The human body usually has reactions to which we are accustomed but whose origin, we do not know. How many times have we said that "my mouth watering" to see something that attracts us? It usually happens when we find appetizing foods, with juicy chocolates filled with crunchy chocolate and strawberry hearts, with treats that bring us their naughty smell of jelly beans, clouds, or licorice ... or succulent dishes that boil our gastric juices to the time to eat.
But let's go a little further. Sometimes we experience this salivation not only when we see something related to the palate. Sometimes it also happens when we see something that attracts us ... an adorable puppy, our favorite car, or that actor or actress who fascinates us so much. Because it happens? Do not worry, in Supercurioso we also love to satisfy your "curious hunger".
The gastric secretion reflex
Under this statement so unpoetic and so physiological, it hides what we all have now in mind. Indeed, the famous dogs of Ivan Pavlov . That Russian scientist who in 1890 labeled the law of conditional reflection observing something that we all know well. When the dogs in his laboratory heard the bell, they knew that in a few minutes they would receive their food ration. A simple association that caused them to start to salivate just by listening to that sound. A simple conditioning that we also experience.
It is enough to go through a shop or a restaurant at lunchtime, and see how the menus are served, to instantly start to feel that saliva increase in your mouth. We salivate almost like the dogs of the beloved Ivan Pavlov. You know, we experienced that "classic" nervous ascent that upsets our stomach and that forces us to say that "I'm making my mouth water". So, it is no more than a stimulus that captures our brain and immediately starts the secretion of our gastric juices and salivary glands to see something that attracts us. Impossible to resist.
Positive stimuli and saliva
Who has not ever woken up with a trickle of saliva falling from our mouths while we were sleeping? To all of us, without a doubt. Sometimes we open our eyes with an excess of saliva that we have to swallow while removing the eyes from our eyes. Because it happens?
Well, everything is really related. You may not know it, but producing saliva is vital for the human being, something that in turn is related to our biological cycle and our mental state. Surprised? That's right, we have to keep in mind that a lot of this salivation is related to positive stimuli, with things that are biologically good for us and make us feel good.
Not only sleep or eat makes us feel "that water in your mouth." Joy and emotion also generates that response in the form of saliva. And there is still more, the saliva makes our defenses are activated, our immune system is better. The mouth must be moist to be protected.
But what happens for example when we feel fear or are we very nervous? that we feel dry mouth, no matter how much we swallow there is nothing. That is, the negative responses cause the level of adrenaline to rise, and that fear, such stress or anxiety, reduces the level of saliva, thereby causing the defenses to go down and we are more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria . It's worth taking into account.
So do not hesitate, let "your mouth water" as many times as possible. Your health will thank you!