Some of the incredible breakthroughs made in 2018 so far!

in science •  7 years ago 


Every year, scientists and researchers across the globe make incredible discoveries that directly or indirectly improve the lives of common people. Last year in 2017, scientists discovered to pull water out of air and edited the human embryo. Latest innovations of 2018 are more impressive as below:

  • Scientists have created artificial embryo from stem cells

Scientists have made the artificial embryos from stem cells of mice in the laboratory without using sperm and eggs. This discovery will help to understand the beginning of the life but at the same time some ethical issues have also arisen because it seems an unnatural way of creating life in laboratory.

Scientists believe that it will help to cure infertility treatments. However experiments on human embryos are still not regulated and are banned.

  • Scientists have created hybrid embryos in laboratories

In February 2018, scientists have successfully created human-sheep embryos that are considered identical to human embryos. It is hoped that by creating hybrids of human – animal embryos, scientists would be able to grow human organs in the laboratory.

If it becomes possible to grow human organs, it would be a big breakthrough. It could save lives of thousands of patients who are on the waiting list of transplant.

  • 3D metal printing is now possible to revolutionize manufacturing industry

Over the past few years’ scientists are using 3D plastic printing to design and prototype different structures. Now with the advancements in technology, scientists are able to create metal structures and it will revolutionize the industry of manufacturing.

With the help of 3D printing, manufacturers would be able to make metal parts which would be cheap as compared to existing mass production techniques.

  • Physicists have created new form of light

Physicists from Harvard and MIT, manipulated photons and created new form of light in complex process. In this process, at low temperature, photons was allowed to interact with each other by laser beam. As a result, photons were able to bind together and new form of light was created.

It is a breakthrough because this nature of photons was unknown. However, practical use of this discovery is still unknown.

  • Nanobots would be now able to destroy cancer cells

Scientists have made huge advances in nanobots and revealed that nanobots can be used to destroy cancer cells. Tests were done on mice in February and tumor growth stopped altogether.

Scientists are hopeful that nanobots would eventually be used on humans to destroy the cancer cells similarly. The current methods of chemotherapy which destroy healthy cells together with cancer cells are brutal in nature.

  • Hair can regrow with the help of chemical found in Macdonald's fries

A new research published in Biomaterials magazine revealed that went viral for reversing hair loss. Japanese researchers discovered a chemical that could help produce hair follicles. This chemical which is known as dimethylpolysiloxane is added to oil which McDonald uses to cook fries.

Scientists tested this chemical on back of mice and after some time, new hair began to grow. This research may helpful to treat hair loss in human.

  • Chinese scientists have successfully cloned two monkeys

On January 24, 2018, Chinese scientists marked the day when they successfully cloned two monkeys i.e. Huahua and Zhongzhong. It is the same method which was used to clone Dolly sheep.

It will probably help scientists to clone healthy organs to replace defective organs in humans.

Although the list is big to mention all breakthroughs of 2018, these were the most remarkable innovations of 2018.

What would you add to this list? What is your favorite invention of 2018?

References: 1 2
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this breakthrough will be helpful to humanity, looking at the nanobot that can destroy cancer is a big break through

nice post .. thanks for sharin this post . keep it up. :) @munawar1235

Technology and technology everywhere.... !

wow! I feel like a child reading all the latest inventions, I can't decide which one is most incredible :D

I've been eating McDonald's fries for years and I'm still going bald!


Hahahahahaha you made me scream in laughter you are such a practical person.

Another invention although yet to be widely accepted is the development of a single test that can detect up to 5 or 8 types of cancer in the body or even predict a cancerous cell and it's going to cost less. Check CancerSEEK