RE: No, Getting on a plane doesn't prove the earth is round. Try again, Round-earthers!

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No, Getting on a plane doesn't prove the earth is round. Try again, Round-earthers!

in science •  7 years ago 

I'm sure flat-earthers believe, trust, and use many things they cannot see or even understand. Phone, the Internet, TV, their car, etc. etc. They are just doing it because of:

a) a spectacular failure in education
b) religious and political brain-washing that teaches people not to think
c) social outcasts desperate to fit in with some in-crowd
d) pure laziness
e) rampant sport trolling by the bored, lazy, and childish

I'm sure the list goes on - add your own below.

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I think C and E are the primary causes, along with fear and confusion of a complicated and incomprehensible world. Denying what you're told to be true is a way to feel in control of your fate and existence. I really think this is the case for the most part!