This Article on Remote Viewing reminded me of the Non dualism of Advaita Vedanta

in science •  7 years ago 

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Article on Remote Viewing :

“Once you find out that you can do it, you go ‘Whoah! Now what do I do?’’” said Mel Riley, a taut-faced, well-tanned former Army viewer, recalling his initial training. “It changes your whole view of the universe. I can’t say much more than that.”Mr. Targ explains the change as the discovery that “you’re not a physical body—you’re an awareness and there is no separation of consciousness.” The result, he continued, is that compassion is seen as a natural state, because we are all the same.

Several recent, non-military students, from a retired high school teacher in Chicago to a biotech-company executive on the West Coast, reported similar insights. “It’s given me a little bit more of a reserve against dying, “ said one student, David Hathcock, a retired CEO of a telecommunications company in Arizona. “Every time you do a successful viewing, your mind proves that it’s capable of not being in your body, because it can go to another place or time. If your mind can do that, there’s a part of you that’s not physical and must therefore be spiritual. It’s the first proof in my opinion that can be verified personally and on demand that we have a spiritual self.”

Everything is One....

Reminds of the Isha Upanishad taught 2,000 years ago.

It moves and It moves not. It is far and also It is near. It is within and also It is without all this. It is near to those who have the power to understand It, for It dwells in the heart of every one; but It seems far to those whose mind is covered by the clouds of sensuality and self– delusion. It is within, because It is the innermost Soul of all creatures; and It is without as the essence of the whole external universe, infilling it like the all–pervading ether.

That One, though motionless, is swifter than the mind. The senses can never overtake It, for It ever goes before. Though immovable, It travels faster than those who run. By It the all–pervading air sustains all living beings. This verse explains the character of the Atman or Self. A finite object can be taken from one place and put in another, but it can only occupy one space at a time. The Atman, however, is present everywhere; hence, though one may run with the greatest swiftness to overtake It, already It is there before him. Even the all–pervading air must be supported by this Self, since It is infinite; and as nothing can live without breathing air, all living things must draw their life from the Cosmic Self.

He who sees all beings in the Self and the Self in all beings, he never turns away from It (the Self).

He who perceives all beings as the Self’ for him how can there be delusion or grief, when he sees this oneness (everywhere) ? He who perceives the Self everywhere never shrinks from anything, because through his higher consciousness he feels united with all life. When a man sees God in all beings and all beings in God, and also God dwelling in his own Soul, how can he hate any living thing? Grief and delusion rest upon a belief in diversity, which leads to competition and all forms of selfishness. With the realization of oneness, the sense of diversity vanishes and the cause of misery is removed.


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