Myocardial Infarction | Are You At Risk For Heart Attack? (Part 2)

in science •  7 years ago 

Majority of people are not aware that the way we live determines the state of our heart. We cherish luxurious life, we live in big cities, engage in well-paid job although stressful, too busy with works without any time for physical exercise or mental calmness. The way we live our lives have a magnificent effect on our heart .The HEART being the central organ of the body that pumps and aids circulation of gases (oxygen and carbon-dioxide)and nutrients through the blood to all body tissues.

In reference to my previous article where I explained Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)- I explained what it means to have an heart attack; how the heart functions and its associative relations: epidemiological factors and management of heart conditions. Right here I’ve gone further in elucidating the effect of our mode of lifestyle on the heart. These days, in respect to the modern industrialized setting; people are being overwhelmed in the daily activities, running after dreams and goal without even sparing to check our life. Although it good live a well fulfilled life but it is better when a sense of consciousness is added.

LIFESTYLE is the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual. Our lifestyle (in relation the heart) include what we eat (Diet), whether we smoke or not, our personality, how well we cope with stress, and how we manage cardiovascular related diseases such as High Blood Pressure (HBP), High Cholesterol Level, Diabetes etc.

Risk factors that affect the heart


a number studies has concentrated on eating habit and their relationship to heart diseases. It has been established that a diet, high in animal fat (saturated fat) and consequently high levels of blood cholesterol, probably because this lead to a buildup of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries, thus reducing the blood flow to the heart muscle.


Cigarette smoking is considered the major contributing factor in more than 30% of all heart attacks. In fact, smoking is now thought to kill more people from heart attacks than smoking related cancers. Men aged 45-54 who are heavy smokers are 10 times more likely to suffer a heart attack than non-smokers recent studies have shed new light on the effect of tobacco use on cardiovascular system and indicate that even switching to low nicotine or low tar brands, does not substantially lower the risk involved.


Due to role of technology majority of people have become progressively more sedentary in their works which create less physical activity. This overall reduction in physical activities has had several significant effects on health. It contributes to obesity and an increase in body fat in relation to muscle. Lack of exercise leads to a reduction in body’s oxygen transport system and also lessened our ability to cope with stress making way for a risk of heart disorder.


The personality defines your ability to cope with stress and this is of great importance in overall health. Recent studies have found that stress and our response to it influence the release of chemicals that may influential in developing coronary heart diseases. Several long term studies also have correlated personality type with increased risk of heart attack. People with type A personality- characterized by excessive ambition, aggressiveness, hostility, sensitivity or time urgency or compulsive behavior; have a significantly higher incidence of heart attack than the more easy going type B personality.


Stress can be defined as an imbalance between excessive psychological or physical demands and our abilities to cope with those demands. It is a normal and expected factor of everyday life. The demands of our Job, Families, Friends, living environment and our internal emotions all produce stress. Some stress come as a result of frustrating occurrence which can be overwhelming and difficult for anyone to cope with. The psychological response is usually characterized feeling of appreciation, tension or nervousness and likely heightened activity of the autonomic nervous system: the heart beat faster, breathing increases, blood pressure and muscle tense and increased sweating. These responses if poorly handled may result in pathologic reactions and can hinder our ability to cope or perform.


Blood pressure is the amount of force with which the blood is being pumped from the heart through the arteries. Blood pressure is expressed in two numbers; for example 120/80. The higher number is the Systolic pressure- meaning it is the maximum force being exerted against the arteries’ walls during the heart beat. The lower number – the Diastolic pressure is the force exerted while the heart is resting between beats. High blood pressure is the major cause of STROKE- the common term used to describe a reduction in the blood flow to the brain causing Paralysis. It also increases the risk of a heart attack and the high blood pressure the higher the risk. Although the damaging effects of high blood pressure may take years to produce obvious symptoms or consequences such as heart attack or stroke.
In any event most experts now agree that overall risk of a heart attack can be significantly lowered by identifying people with high blood pressure and bringing it to normal limits.


People who are obese are defined as being 20% or more above ideal weight for their age, sex and body frame having shorter life expectancy than people who are of ideal weight. Being substantially overweight increases the risk of heart diseases even in the absence of other risk factor.


Diabetics have an increased risk of heart attack and artery disease. Diabetes is characterized by an inability to metabolize carbohydrate, either because of an insufficiency of the hormone Insulin or the inability of the body to effectively use the insulin for produces. The result is excessive glucose (sugar) in the blood. This contributes to a higher incidence of hardening of arteries (arteriosclerosis) and a build-up of fatty plaque (atherosclerosis) along artery walls. Weight control, diet, exercise and insulin are all important elements in keeping diabetes under control and minimizing the added risk of heart disease.


There are several factors that increase the risk of a heart disease and are beyond the control: Age, Sex and heredity. The risk of having a heart attack increases as we grow older, approximately doubling each decade after the age 30. Blood pressure also rises as we grow older, perhaps adding to the risk. It is also well known that Men, particularly middle aged men have much higher incidence heart attacks than women, although it does not seem to be a lifelong phenomenon. After the age of sixty, women seems to catch up and have about the same incidence of heart attack as men of the same age. These considerable speculations are centered on the role that female hormone play in protecting against heart disease. For example women who have their ovaries removed or take oral contraceptives that contain estrogen have increased risk of heart attacks and stroke. Family history has long been recognized as an important risk factor and one which we obviously have no control. If your parents, uncles, brothers, sisters or any other close family members suffered heart attacks at an early age, your chances of following this suit are greatly increased. If there is a family history of early heart disease, especially before the age of 50-55, it is particularly important for them to undergo regular medical checkups; control and avoid as many of the life style rich factors as possible to minimize your chances of an early heart attack.


Just like I mentioned in my previous post- heart attacks can be managed or delayed if you can change your lifestyle and embrace a new healthy habit. Also note that a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle can be passed down to the generations. In regards, parents are the first teacher to every child; everything that parents do will likely be passed to their children through learning process.

Your heart is in your hands
Your heart is your life
Take charge of your heart
Take charge of your life!!!


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Wow! Awesome breakdown!

It's always great to see good medical content on steem! Well done :)

It seems hard to change our lifestyle.... but at least increase awareness about this..... slowly will motivate us to life more healthy.