Could aliens hack us?

in science •  7 years ago 

If you want to experience the feeling of being completely free in today’s society, one of the few ways to do this is to become a hacker. Thus it is no surprise that even astrophysicists are thinking about hackers.

By Yasir999 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Michael Hippke from Germany and John Learned from Hawaii are worried that our civilization might be hacked by an unfriendly alien civilization. Some people think that aggressive aliens are unlikely but honestly, it’s just their opinion. Some alien civilizations might be completely pragmatic and just want all the resources for themselves. And to go further with this pragmatic line of thinking, why send a fleet of armed spaceships if you can just send a few easy to make viruses.

Hippke and Learned say that the alien hack could take many different forms. It could be just a simple message that would create global panic, likely setting our civilization thousands of years behind, like a message that they will destroy our sun very soon. Or it could be a message that would appear to be one thing but would be something else, like a guide to creating artificial intelligence or nano-bots that once created would destroy Earth, strip it of its valuable materials and ship them back to the aliens.

And although it is almost impossible that such an attack would be specifically targeted at our civilization many of the “hacks” could be created in a general enough way to destroy a majority of civilizations that receive them. And it could even potentially be a series of “hacks” each with a different kind of attack increases the chance of success significantly.

Hippke and Learned also don’t forget to add that while the possibility of danger certainly exists and thus if we ever receive a message from space we should be very careful with how we deal with it the fact is the probability of that is pretty low and we should definitely try to decode it. Now only to receive such a message.


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We already get messages from space in the forms of crop circles. And decoding them has been very interesting.

And, about resources, why would any advanced civilization come here for resources? There is already a great big planet that has been broken up into bite sized chunks just passed the orbit of mars. Why would they come here? Tons of every element is sitting out there.

And if there is actually dark matter... then why would they even bother with a dinky solar system?

Further, what is happening on earth is not a safe space for alien visitors. Many people talk about meeting aliens in dreams and meditation. And, these aliens are very careful/cautious because the backlash can very powerful and unpredictable.

Hacking into the internet is much the same.

Hey there,

so let's address these things individually.

Crop circles. Nobody has ever managed to bring any proof that they are messages from aliens. And decoding, even if they were messages from outer space, would certainly not be as simple so random people could do it.

When it comes to the resources. Given sufficient time any sort of resource becomes a potential source of energy as it could be used to create black holes which could be then harvested for energy for trillions and trillions of years. Given an advanced civilization probably hopes to live as long as possible there is a good chance it would be hoarding every single piece of matter available in the universe to prepare for the time when stars will not be providing energy and it will need to be obtained in other ways.
Though I do agree that there are currently more readily available sources of energy in the universe.

When it comes to dark matter, question is yes, whether it even exists are there are some other forces at hand, but if it does exist another question pops up, is it ever usable as an energy source as it supposedly is almost completly inert apart from the gravitational forces.

And the last part, you realize that is just your own personal opinion non based on any facts that could be produced in front any sort of jury, whether scientific, juristical or even a jury of peers.

There are two types of people, those who have really looked into crop circles, and those that think they are all phoney. If you really look into crop circles. Journey to some real crop circles. Feel the energy of these crop circles. Then there isn't a doubter or a neh-sayer that will ever be able to convince you that crop circles are not something extra-special.

All energy comes from the galactic center. And man will learn to tap into it (after it will no longer be used for war) and from it, have virtually unlimited power. Using matter for energy is really a waste. And yes, there have been a few people who have tapped into it. But, they are all in that area that "science" says are kooks.

And that last part, you do realize that everything that is in the current science book is your own personal opinion, not based on any facts that could be produced in front of any sort of jury...
(no, really. I have disproofs of it all. Starting with "the aether exists" And showing that Michelson-Morley scammed all of science, then from there the entire science book collapses)

But, if I had a jury of MY peers, they all agree with that last part. It is not a statement of analysis, it is a statement of shared experiences. But, "science" disapproves of any research in that area, so it is all pooh-poohed.

So, once again from the top.

Feel the energy of the circles

Fell the energy? FEEL? Is that how you suppose real science should be conducted? Based on feelings and not experiments that are repeatable by different people other than the first person to conduct it so the results can be verified? Sorry, but that's not science.

man will learn to tap into it (after it will no longer be used for war) and from it, have virtually unlimited power

Now the supposed energy from the galactic center. If there have been people who tapped into it and they have been capable of incredible feats, why haven't they done something about things like wars, hunger, child mortality and similar things? Why is it that science is the source of things like cures for illnesses or more food being produced and not these demi-gods.

I have disproofs of it all.
Well, the show them. I can also come and say, I have wings and fly, but I'm not gonna show you, but you should believe me. And the fact that I have wings and can fly disproves the fact that humans can't fly. Unless you provide evidence all you say are just opinions and not facts.

But, if I had a jury of MY peers

Here I don't think you understand what a jury of peers means. It doesn't mean your friends. It means a jury of your equals, people who are a good representation of the general population. Not your friends.

Lets say that you didn't know what infrared light was yet. But, you could FEEL it. And with those feelings, you postulated what it could be, and then worked out ways to understand the effect. And now, infrared light is just taken as fact.

Our eyes are seriously limited in what they can see.
If I went back in time a couple hundred years and told the people that little tiny creatures that they couldn't see were responsible for illness. Half of them would say I was crazy, and the other half would say of course we believe in demons.

I wouldn't get researching anything about free energy devices. It will make your head explode. Either you will believe it, or you will call it all a conspiracy theory. But, there is a lot of information out there. Especially reading the writings of Tesla.

And, you really have no idea how programmed you are. How much "science" you just accept as fact, that has no real proof. Think about everything you have learned, and then imagine me disproving ever single thing. Think about how much time that would take. How many words. How many books.

Did you watch that video I linked in the last post? Did you read his book? If you haven't even begun on the path, all I can do is hint that there is another path and things are not all as they seem.