Conglomerate Sedimentary Rock Hill At The Terbangan River Estuary

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

Scientific research trip sponsored by @mapesa to trace the river estuaries once used by the Aceh Darussalam Kingdom as a spice commodity base especially pepper in the medieval period, on the western and southern coast of Aceh.

One of our destinations is the Terbangan river estuary, in the Ladang Tuha village, Pasie Raja, South Aceh Regency, Aceh. When on location, we are faced with the interesting thing that is the Conglomerate rocks hill located at the mouth of the river. As I pointed out in the old post "Terbangan River Estuary", I will make a post "Conglomerate Sedimentary Rock At The Terbangan River Estuary".


Conglomerates are sedimentary rocks formed from round pebbles and stone-sized clasts cemented by a chemical process that binds the stones together in a matrix.

Conglomerate ( /kəŋˈɡlɒmərɪt/) is a coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock that is composed of a substantial fraction of rounded to subangular gravel-size clasts, e.g., granules, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders, larger than 2 mm (0.079 in) in diameter. Conglomerates form by the consolidation and lithification of gravel. Conglomerates typically contain finer grained sediment, e.g., either sand, silt, clay or combination of them, called matrix by geologists, filling their interstices and are often cemented by calcium carbonate, iron oxide, silica, or hardened clay.

It takes a strong water current for the formation of conglomerate sedimentary rocks, located along a fast stream or beach with strong waves, or it could be a river bottom or an ancient coastline.

Sedimentary rock conglomerates are also seen on Mars, in image from NASA's Curiosity rover, shot on Sept. 2, 2012 with the 100-millimeter Mast Camera.

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Many gravel-sized rocks have eroded out of the outcrop onto the surface, particularly in the left portion of the frame. The outcrop characteristics are consistent with a sedimentary conglomerate, or a rock that was formed by the deposition of water and is composed of many smaller rounded rocks cemented together. Water transport is the only process capable of producing the rounded shape of clasts of this size.

Here's the conglomerate sedimentary rock, I shot at Terbangan river estuary.

In this last photo I shot 2 different hills in a frame. Conglomerate sedimentary rock on the left side.


Please see my old post about a trip for scientific research sponsored by @mapesa.


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Those places look like scenes from some prehistoric movie again :) Are you sure these are real places you can still find on earth? :)

yeah, i'm shooting for these pictures, except 1 picture on mars :)

Cool, poto yg sangat meusaneut .. 😀

@arfa thanks

good, ken not tu kat.... :)


you are great photography @vannour,, I will follow you for waiting your next post.. saleum aneuk nanggroe

saleum @rudalt

Assalamuaikum rakan lon. Saleum seujahtra dari ulon. Pemandangan yang sangat lagak. Dan han tom lon dingoe nan gampong nyan. Cukop indah dan menarek perhatian. Memang dron nyan cap 👍👍👍 . Sigoe² neu bantu adoe neuh kalon-kalon bak blog ulon tuan,😉 tetap semangat mengumpulkan dolar....😊