Watch This! - What's Behind the Horizon of a Black Hole? - Part 1 of 2

in science •  8 years ago  (edited)

Watchthis! Today's video is a lecture from Leonard Susskind and the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics

If you don't know who Leonard Susskind is, he's almost singlehandedly responsible for our understanding of the intersection of QM & Astrophyiscs. He actually won a bet with Stephen Hawking related to the nature of blackholes. So he is someone you should consider listening to if you want to obtain a good grasp of what all this stuff is about.

Although this video is most certainly not pop-sci and is actually part of an undergrad level course on QFT, I still found it imminently approachable without the need for much "hard science" background. You should consider watching if you want to walk away with a good grasp of some of the esoteric concepts surrounding quantum entanglement and black holes.

There is a second video in the series that equates computational complexity and QM. I will post that one tomorrow.

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Could you paraphrase the video, for those of us with terrible internet, or who would like your take on it? You have a way of explaining things so anyone can understand them.

When you look at a sheet of paper, do you see a paper crane or a flat sheet?

In this case he's explaining the blackhole information paradox is a nonphysical artifact of the non-limit assumptions inherent in algebra.

That the formation and evaporation process of blackholes can be described as relatively simple geometric computation (meaning there are limits).

That entanglement and worm holes are the same thing. Most of the wierdness of QM is related to entanglement, thus QM can be solved geometrically.

Also everytime you eat a cookie there is a blackhole that knows about it ;)

I've bookmarked this to watch later because internet at my house is pretty terrible ATM. I may not have an understanding of physics but it's fascinating to learn something new about our universe. Black holes are especially interesting...I'm always wondering if there's something on the other side...but I cannot grasp that there is nothing.

Wow, that's actually perfect. Believe it or not. The "nothing" is a mathematical fiction which posits that it's not just a "vacuum nothing" like the emptiness of deep space. But a literal nothing, as in complete nonexistance.
This entire video exists to demonstrate how that particular "nothingness" cannot be the reality, despite it being the conclusion of certain solutions to relativity.

In fact, it may actually be that the opposite is true. That where we think there is a "nothing" because math, what we've actually done is hit a limit in our understanding and that embedded within this "nothing" is actually "everything".

Infinities and absolutes hurt my head though.

I'm enjoying your math-astrophysics-filosophy-astronomy game of abstract notions. I really do.

But you must admit: any theory of Advanced astronomy or quantum mechanics is a pure mind game. I like it, of course, but we are just playing with words and notions and try and try and try to understand this amazing microsmos and macrocosmos. It's mesmerizing. Like a fairy tale for adults. From time to time we settle down some knowledge. We call it mainstream theories. And we think we understand them. Maybe we do (in some extent). I'm proud of all these geeks (astro, math, psysics, etc) that that the humankind further. Like Picard did in Star Trek.

But....we are playing. Grown-up adults playing. Playing with knowledge.

Don't take it as an ignorant perception or an offense. I'm just trying to calm down the hype (that I also experience when reading similar things).



comment depth limit hit so i'm replying over here.
just wanted to say thanks, i appreciate the compliments!