on facebook on honest.cash on memo; on weku on ello
"the masculine active principle in nature that in Chinese cosmology is exhibited in light, heat, or dryness and that combines with yin to produce all that comes to be"
This was a comment that I think deserves its own post, which I first did on facebook.
I posit that our cells relate to us the way we relate to the planet, in holographic fashion, especially due to the scientific impossibility of objectivity, such that the common idea of ownership can be questioned, offering a possible replacement term of mutuality of correspondence, since the universe is one thing - energy - that manifests physical existence by self-perpetuated trauma, to enable existence:
-Holographic Universe: As A Cell, So A Human, Too-
-Objectivity and Ownership: Illusions Like Space And Time?-
-If Not Objectivity, Then What?-
-Man Is Natural-
-Bondage: Essential For Existence-
They might not be for you, but I'd certainly love your input; I love evolving and refining my concepts and ideas.
-Holographic Universe: As A Cell, So A Human, Too-
For example, the idea of The Holographic Universe and As Above So Below, applied to the human body, as relates as well to the planetary body that each of us humans are a part of, which can be dangerously close to communistic rhetoric if the vital component of honoring of each individual/cells is not recognized, with the surprising result that, collectively, different abilities appear that would have been fundamentally impossible to think of or consider otherwise.
Eileen Workma has spoken about such a difference at length in great and beautiful detail, and I have spoken with her about my concern of her emphasis on the need for sacrifice to achieve such a result (perhaps I fundamentally misunderstood what she was saying).
-Objectivity and Ownership: Illusions Like Space And Time?-
As an extension of this idea, the apparent centrality of our conscious control of our bodies is the result of trillions of cells that comprise your physical body working in unison, resulting in the possibility of the consideration of an overall "mind" that "owns" this collection of trillions of cells.
Could the need for the notion of self-ownership be the result of the continuous denial and suppression of our natural inclinations through systematic means, principally that of the indoctrination system and taxation?
A complimentary question, related to a scene in The Waking Life:
Do we speak unless we have reason to?
This connects with the scientific method and objectivity, which could be considered faiths based on unquestioned premises, especially that of total isolation being the key to knowledge. Indeed: if our cells behaved as we did, would our bodies would last very long, seeking out instead their apparent "self-interest" in supposed isolation?
That is why I think objectivity might not be the best word to use, as the new science developing is showing that, fundamentally, to exist is to always have some measure of subjectivity: to be, is to observe; to observe, is to interact; to interact, is to change the "experiment" you are "peeping" in on.
There are multiple videos on how quantum mechanical experiments show the interconnections of all things.
Here's my favorite one from Nova:
-If Not Objectivity, Then What?-
Questioning the idea of objectivity with people, I find, often ventures into territory of "feeling lost", which is a very curious psychological phenomenon for the apparently logically-minded person regarding such an idea.
Nonetheless, that there is subjectivity in all things that manifest existence, does not mean that mutual agreement about what is going on is impossible; quite the opposite. Instead, rather than chasing the ghost of total isolation for total objectivity, which is scientifically impossible, we can rectify the impossible task of total objectivity into a new, more coherent, and integrated worldview:
Mutuality of correspondence, akin to referring to how a sphere has symmetry of observation no matter what angle you look at it, whereas a square, rectangle, and other objects have lesser degrees of similarity for observation, which does not preclude symmetry, but does mean taking such differences into account is necessary for enabling agreement about what is being looked at.
Perhaps "coherency and consistency, which are universally applicable" as I wrote in 2015, seen from my first link on the OP here, would work. I don't think I have the best terms yet. Instead, I assert that there is a need for creating and using better terms or a better term; it's very possible someone else will think of a better term or terms to use.
-Man Is Natural-
I find the distinguishing between "natural" and "man-made" to be a regressive distinction that goes in circles because I think that man comes out of, and is of, nature; with that, that our collective specietal insanity is a function of nature's continuous aim for novelty with the spiritual difficulties and journeys that coincide with that.
Thus, I view this perception about humans as being very close in philosophical nature to the militant vegan or nihilist one view that "man is a virus on the earth".
Alan Watts "the Earth is People-ing" Animation
Terence Mckenna - Novelty Theory explained in seven minutes
-Bondage: Essential For Existence-
There is a fundamental problem about what exists.
It is only one thing: energy.
Interaction between one thing and itself is fundamentally impossible, is it not? It is on this basis that I have posited The Paradox Of Energy, which you can search my profile on for more.
Given infinite time, something can and will happen, such as existence, by which I mean energy interfacing with itself (zero-point) to create various forms of separation, which is only possible by compartmentalization, which could also be termed amnesia, which relates to quantum orbits, as well as to the spiritual amnesia of your past lives, by which means you can proceed with the lessons you've chosen for your manifestation of physical existence this time
It is on this fundamental basis that I realized that government has a reason to have existed, as well as cancer, as various forms of separation stories:
Forgetting is a fundamental function of novelty.
Remembering is the other side of that function.
A specific example of these in practice is anarchism, which focuses on archons, and voluntaryism, which focuses on systematically voluntary interactions.
Aileen Hoffman de Burbure introduced me to the idea of "the willing victim" as a means of transmuting trauma, and with it, switching roles from victim to tyrant, as a dance of self-knowledge and lived experience of our ultimate cosmic unity.
Indeed, the basic idea presented by most that I've seen regarding narcissism, for example, is that of No Contact.
As we have multiple forms of cultural narcissism by the indoctrination process, creating millions of people who have been conditioned and traumatized to have the paranoid and worried mind of The Illuminati, No Contact isn't a possibility.
The only option is to innovate interactions, such as how Earthling Ed does with promoting veganism, and Larken Rose with #CandlesInTheDark, to engage and grow the areas of the mind that have been intentionally suppressed, sabotaged, and neglected.
Alan Watts - The Eroticism of Pain