I’ve never used or heard of APFS but that was the option of initialisation for the micron powered samsung solid state chip, doing a little research (because I wondered if to convert my HFS+ volumes to it) it seems that it’s a format that is geared towards smaller drives and flash formats like this M.2 SSD — the next thing was to see how fast this little puppy could write! :)

Because after all that’s the main reason we bought the damn thing right? — for this I used the great tool, blackmagic disk speed test which gives me a rough idea of speeds of reading and writing when working with big files, kinda like when you are doing video editing and such like.
For a bit of a comparison I decided to run it on my internal iMac hybrid drive system to see what kind of speeds I currently get. .. also remember the figures are in MB/s — the higher they are the better, the quicker I can work with the files in terms of reading in and writing out content — this was with a 5gb stress file.

And then next up, this was the new M.2 USB 3.0 Solid State Drive

as you can see a marked improvement across the board from the figures on the right hand side and this is a 5gb file — don’t get me wrong I know ssd drives can be in the realm of 500/600mb/s and faster but for a usb3 out of the box as a scratch drive for writing away so I can avoid drop frames I think this is gonna be perfect — let’s just see if it does what I need it to do for video editing, screenflows and obs recordings!

All in all I’m pretty pumped with it, super small, super easy to use, ideal to carry with me as a usb 3 drive and maybe in a future laptop that supports it I can just flip the laptop open and insert it in for a scratch drive backup while editing on the road :) -- more than anything i kinda wanted to have a separate drive away from the OS that had no moving parts that was just an SSD (not hybrid) and i think this will do what i need.

this is a test with a 1gb file and this was super rapid! :) -- so really pleased, can't get samsung magician it seems for the MAC but i'm certainly going to look into the 960 EVO's for the gaming PC! :)
update: this thing is FAST, i moved like 72gb over in about 35 minutes and now running my video scratch of it, things load pretty damn quick i have to say! :)