Bitcoin - A Whole New World

in sct •  6 years ago 

Many countries have already understood the potential and are competing for a right
The first to lead the world in the crypto: Switzerland has passed laws that allow
Many crypto entrepreneurs operate from it; Putin announced that he wants to make Russia
To a mining power; Australia is in a race to call the Bettokine a currency
legal; And so are Latvia and other countries - everyone wants some of this growing pie.
Still, and despite the panic of digital gold, the states are completely blind
To the far-reaching implications of the consolidation of the cryptographic currency market.
Here's an imaginary scenario for your judgment. As time passes, more and more people join the circle
Who use the crypto coins until their holdings become part of the capital and assets of the company
many. Everyone who enters this economy is interested in its stability, development and preservation of value
Of its assets; And he also quickly understands the advantages of a completely private, self-contained capital
Devaluation, and global by nature; Thus creating a self-reinforcing flywheel.
Man also understands that The state is very limited in its ability to peer into his private wallet; And most importantly.
The local currency is eroded daily by inflation and printing money, while the digital alternative
Protected from any wear. Therefore, the reasonable person will have more and more incentives to convert Fiat assets
Its assets are resilient and digital. In a decade, the preferred option for receiving payment
There will be strong and digital money (like the Bitcoin) and not shaky and physical (shekel) money.
Digital currencies allow us to establish entities that do not exist in any country.
These are functioning companies that recruit millions, yet they are completely anonymous - no
Registration, non-HPP and non-tax companies such as Decentralized Machines (DAO
Organization Anonymous), and quite a few already exist; And as time passes,
They are going to breed. There is no reason why you should not create the next Facebook (or Google)
DAO, that is, as a completely real company that has no body, no name, and no VAT portfolio in the nose
Country. The company will pay the proceeds of its services in currencies that it will manufacture and convert
In other digital currencies.
When the economy moves there, into a global, anonymous and decentralized space, the old money of
The state will no longer be in charge of the banks in the volumes we currently know.
The inefficient, wasteful, and bureaucratic banks will be the first to be hit by the shock wave
Of the efficiency and privacy that comes to our shores. Most of the private capital will become Tokens
And will be hidden under impenetrable encryption walls. When more and more people
Put their trust in mathematics and not in politics, the revolution will take place: the state will find out
Whose pockets are depleted and that it has no significant sanctions against the residents and businesses
(Also) in its territory, and the state will offer citizens a request for voluntary disclosure Of the assets of Crypto to ensure the collection of taxes. How unhappy can be thrown into jail for
Tax evasion, so that they might see and be feared, but tens, and thousands and millions who knew, would come under them
Because the state has little ability to supervise the course of events. Capital taxes will become limited
More, or voluntarism, and in their place taxes of residency will be raised.
If no one believed the governor's signature on the notes any more would be of no use
Great in issuing them. The state budget will be redefined, in Bituqinim combined with the local currency
Or other currencies at that time. The budget will decrease dramatically, since enforcement
Taxes will go down; The government will become lean and efficient, because its efficiency will always be measured in the alternative
Digital; And aspects of individual liberty, which currently exist mainly in the articles of the
"Neo-conservatives," will become the default of everyone. Everyone will seek to preserve the capital
In their hands, and guard their private keys. Our grandchildren will be born
To a world where no one needed a broker to keep his fortune: "Really, grandfather, you would stand
As a bank? What is a bank? And what does it mean he was closed at noon? "
When this scenario materializes, it may occur in complete surprise, like a collapse
The Berlin Wall or the October Revolution in Egypt. One day we will wake up to a new world, where
The financial institutions disappeared and were stripped of their assets; And countries will discover that their economies have changed
And that their inhabitants had become one of the citizens of the world. The power equation will be reversed. world
New of independent individuals and thin states is at the door.

Let us imagine for a moment this world, where all the money is global and digital) like Euro, but all
A place without a bank governor.) This is a world without banks, in the traditional sense of the word, in which there are
Countless arenas that meet people with each other for the benefit of loans, deposits, investments
And so forth.
The state will separate itself from a large part of its power bases, which will be transferred to the citizens. Regulation
Regarding money and their management will dissolve and change. In a world where every person is a bank of
Itself, has no meaning to the regulations and laws required to establish a financial institution, that we all
Financial institutions; And there is no need to obtain permission from the legislator, just as the Authority has no ability
Monitor trade or stop people - not just within the state, but between
Every two people, anywhere on the globe. The world becomes small, flat and immediate. all
One may do business with any other person, regardless of religion or nationality, and without
Gender differences (in terms of species) because we can conduct business, commerce and capital movement as well
Versus completely non-human digital entities.
You can write software that will hold coins,
Commercialization, escorting them according to risk algorithms, investing the money back in bearing places Yield, and so on, without human contact, as a completely autonomous system.
The state will have to reinvent itself, especially the relationship between it and the citizen.
In an economically open world, with no trade borders, the countries compete for the hearts of the residents, because
It would be very easy to emigrate and move to another place. The first places to thrive will be those
Which will further open the gates to a free and digital economy.
They will attract them
The new rich, who have accumulated considerable digital capital and do not want to pay taxes
Sleeping. In this country, the name "Bitkonia" will be collected from them only a resident tax and income tax
Which will be based on self-reporting only and will also be paid in digital currency. In a process that strengthens
This country will become one of the richest countries in the world. Bitkonia will be
The pioneer, and her neighbors will belatedly understand their failure and try to replicate its success. to another
Pioneering Bitcunia, more and more countries will be forced to accept digital law.
A new world order is about to arise.
Today, the dollar is strong because behind it are many people with lots of guns. Behind
The Bitcoin has no rifle, aircraft carrier or nuclear submarine, and yet it is durable,
Strong and indestructible. Is a fact; A demon that came out of the bottle and can not be compressed
Back inside.
If the Bitcoin takes over the map of the world, small states may emerge as superpowers
News and the old powers could go bankrupt and be buried under her wanderings
Of history. The green dollar kingdom may turn out to be worthless, and in its place
A remote country that began accumulating Bitcoins years ago may emerge. Maybe you will
This is Iceland, where electricity production costs are very low and much of the world is mining
Takes place in it, and perhaps China, and perhaps the economic advantage of a country will be determined by the quality of personnel
And the cryptographic initiatives of its residents.
In a routine salon conversation, the sentence "The Bitcoin takes over the map of the world" sounds absurd
And imaginary; But in practice, this is a completely realistic scenario. The Central Bank of Canada published this year
An analysis that examined global interest rates when Bitcoin becomes the global standard
So that different currencies will be issued against it as they were previously issued against gold
The Bank of Canada Research Department stopped burying their heads in the sand. Of course there is not
We have every guarantee that one of these scenarios will materialize, but it is clear that the very existence of the
Bitcoin and the other cryptographic currencies - as technology, as a social bridge and as a channel
To preserve capital - is paving concrete alternatives to the order of the global economy.
For the State of Israel, the world of crypto is a threat, but also a tremendous opportunity. It is commonly said that
In the State of Israel there is a concentration of the best minds in the world (according to foreign publications), abundance
Creativity, initiative and a strong army. The sooner the State of Israel succeeds in adopting the crypto economy, the more advantage it will have over its close and distant neighbors.
Already there are many Israeli crypto companies, but with immediate investment we can turn
The world's leading power in this field, a magnet for entrepreneurs and an economic source of energy
Which had only begun its first steps. Now is the time, when the field is still
At the beginning of its flowering and many players have not yet entered the race.

I put a Bitcoin on it.

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