Ex boy drama to start off season 5!
This is the largest dorm I’ve seen! WTF.
Normal human here as dorm roomie. Vervain laced water. WHAT?
They couldn’t go in…
Damon’s wigged out. Jeremy is right.
Meg’s dead.
Notice what the detective said. “We’re convinced it was a suicide.”
Random pairing with Megan. HA! She’s either a hunter or compelled. SO, who’s the noob?
Good on Katherine. She crashed the car. 😊 “What the hell?” JEREMY you dumbass.
SO, Matt’s out. But why? And Nadia?
And Jeremy is left to die on the road.
And Len’s dad is in this. Meg had a pic of him on her phone with him. WHAT?????
“It means Stefan’s been drowning there all summer long while I’ve been playing house with Elena. Do I need to further elaborate my urgency?”
So, Matt got to Katherine on behalf of Jer.
Dear dumbasses: WHY tie up someone you’re trying to help? I see little to no difference between the “bad” people here and the “good” people here.
“Bullet would’ve been easier but we’re trying to be nice.” And we’re supposed to take Jer seriously because……….
“Deadliest war in American history.” To the average American population, minus the original genocide, Iraq occupation, etc.
Caleb from HTGAWM is the guy. Some shit’s up with him.
Wes knows some shit.
Sylace and Elena = OOOOHHHH SHIT!
Sylace trying to find Katherine.
Are human rights beyond these two “good guys?”
Five seasons in, will anyone ever learn to open their mouths?
Matt and Bonnie are dead……
Burned out of mind control. Indiana Jones 2 cliché.
Wes is some wierdo.
He’s out. Stefan is OUT!
You can see Matt’s nips when he rolls out the restaurant. HAHAH!
Can Katherine stop the conflation?
Yah, so it still doesn’t say how Katherine is important.
AAAH, turns out brain frying is bad on BOTH sides of the coin!
So, Katherine’s blood is the cure.
Damn it, drawn in Len.
“Only death can pay for life. Nature finds a balance.”
“Why’d you say that?” Way to shoot the messenger and miss the problem completely.
Everyone finally knows about Bonnie.
During the mini funeral, Elena puts feathers. AWH SHIT! Way to throwback to Season 1.
And Tyler is finally back.
Jess and hot doc are here. Hot doc knows everything.
The ending credits song is GOOD! I feel that shit!
Let the psycho doc be more creepy.
Nonconsensual experimentation. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING?
Damon, do you really love Elena? And why kill Stefan?
AAAAH, and there, ladies and gents, we go. Nadia got to Katherine for revenge.
Hypocrisy Damon much?
WAIT! Nadia is Katherine’s daughter?
And what’s happening to Sylace?
Wait, Katherine isn’t a complete piece of shit. She went back!
And Caroline remains the only one with integrity.
Tyler let Klaus win. Bye Tyler!
How is Katherine immortal?
And this is the fucking problem with this show. Morally, this is some shit.
And silver hair Katherine.
I love Ketsiya’s dress though.
Ketsiya had Amara in a fucking crate the whole time? WOHAAAA!
And this bullshit is constructive how? Tie up Amara…
And: you’d think we’d all learn by now, but NOOOO….
Stefan going through weird PTSD version or some shit.
Jess feeds on vampires. FUUUCCCKKKKKKK…..
And the adage of older age = more strength, not true.
And Damon was experimented on too…… YAH… that’s scary. He was kidnapped in his own house. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it turns out Len’s dad was a vampire hunter/ Dr. Mengele type guy.
Caroline is helping Stephen.
Enzo… who’s he?
The dehumanization is unfathomable to me. I sincerely cannot begin to understand. I don’t want to.
I hope I never turn that way, although I know I am capable. If you’re human, you’re capable. That’s that.
So, Damon plotted and executed the genocide of the Whitmores. Fucking sociopath.
And Elena left him in there. SO… they’re equals. Or not.
And Enzo’s been there the whole time…… FFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKK. GTFOOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Katherine and Stefan again? WTF?
Let the Dr. Jessen and Mitchell shit begin with Elena!
And turns out Wes was a student of Len’s dad, who was Dr. Mitchell.
When Elena reads her father’s journal…. Yah.
Damon and Elena are done.
After a minor code blue, Katherine is alive.
So, Klaus is BACK.
And Katherine just possessed Len. Katherine hates the consequences of possession.
Katherine. Yah, your past sucks... Yah, it shouldn’t have happened. BUT, WTF. Just because she delights in hurting others doesn’t mean you should hurt other people. FUCK….
Stefan punched Tyler for slut shaming Katherine. Good on him! :-D
“It makes me feel so happy that I’m not 19 and stupid.” - Damon Nineteen no, stupid yes.
Continuous slut shaming of Caroline.
And Damon saw right through Katherine. HA!
Where’s Elena?
She’s just as bad as Elektra from Daredevil.
Nina Dobrev is doing a good job of portraying the manic version of her character.
Although, when it comes to interpersonal relationships, the conversations they have are adult, especially Elena's and Damon's, which I like. 😊
Enzo and his sarcasm. HAHAAH! “Here to deliver you to the sweet hereafter.”
Fucking Liv.
“Hey, stab yourselves, then stab complete strangers to find The Travelers.”
US Foreign Policy anyone?
Turns out Zo’s not a complete piece of shit either!
Mags helped him.
Elena, get your self-righteous self out of Damon’s house. Damon rightly refuses.
But what does Tyler have to do with Marcos?
“Damon?” “George.” Heehehe.
It’s supposed to be shocking that Damon kills people, but now I think,” Of course!”
OOOHH! So, Stefan and Elena’s blood together undoes witch magic.
Well……. The other side is falling apart. That’s not fucked up or sad.
Ritual suicide in a cave? EEEEH!
Imagine if this is what “The Other Side” really is. HAHAH!
SHIT…. That would be one freakish other side.
Stefan is dead. WOOOAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!
WELL, what the fuck is this? SYLIS COMES BACK?
OR, not… Bonnie threw him out.
And turns out Bonnie died, no matter what.
Stephen’s back…. But not DAMON.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? However, when it comes to universe and rules, physics and science, alchemy and makeup, it all works that way. Nina Dobrev keeps impressing me with her acting. I could do with more development from Stephen. Make some faces. PLEASE! Damon's more entertaining. YOu at least get a range of emotion.
Anyway, it's good, it's ok, it just hasn't really taken risks, or did anything that really knocks it over the moon. Some really fucking good ingredients though! $ 7.00 / $10.00 USD.