ADSactly Poetry : Lucid Lyrics Designed to Expand Minds (Part 34)

in seattle •  5 years ago 


Hello Steemians! The ADSactly Poetry : Lucid Lyrics Designed to Expand Minds series is designed to be a sort of platform for sharing some of my greatest works with @adsactly readers.

Many of the verses I've shared and continue to share were written in collaboration with a friend of mine.

Others were written as solo projects and some made their way to the recording booth.

I've got another special piece for @adsactly readers today, this is a short verse which is designed for readers to 'sing-a-long'.

The background music I wrote it to has been embedded below. I dare you to give it a shot!

I really hope readers enjoy these and let me know what they think about them.



Like the rising sun like to ride all night til the break of dawn doesn’t everyone wanna be the head honcho like the top gun never gonna stop til the job is done.

Pick your poison is it gin or rum or if it pleases you go Romanov mix the vodka with the soda on the rocks with a slice of lime like a soldier have a quick drink before battle its time to kick back relax blast off get higher than the space needle in seattle we get down hop on the party bus and spin around pop the champagne bottle on the way to Belltown.

But we gotta have cheese to impress the other rats in the maze without a big fat stack you aint getting a date but ok cause the homies on the 19 said to make it that way but you better move fast before the blunt’s’a’blaze its been a long night and a longer day the last few shots got you swerving lanes but on the other hand its off the chain

Picked up a cute little thing and she’s giving you brains hear a knock the door eyes open and your back awake, how could something so good have been fake and what time is it, can’t remember how you got there or where ya gotta be but you’re probably late.

Because time is money and money is time how did they take every single moment of our lives and leave them commoditized.

And in a world where they prey on you through big data and in a world like this I’ll know your preferences there’s no more need for second guessing it.

To lay it out black and white I studied your file and know what your preferred breakfast is I know where ya go and where ya been as the days of privacy came to an end as they make an end run to your endzone but whats the end goal hard to believe we live in a world where the truth is the enemy.

So why would they ever want you to know?

The best we can do is keep it critical we can read between the lines to find the physical evidence of the truth to summarise I humbly propose it’s the best that we can do.

Want to sing along?

This piece was very fun to create. It just came so easily and really was a lot of fun to perform. Give it a try yourself and see if you can find a nice cadence for it.

No matter what, I'd very much like to know your thoughts and feelings about these, what you liked or didn't like, I'd love to hear your opinion either way!

Authored by: Zentalk

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Really good one. Very current and to the point.
We're living weird and dangerous times.

we live in a world where the truth is the enemy.

As George Orwell anticipated in 1984 "war is peace and peace is war". We are yielding our rights to privacy and autonomy every day. We have becomeso dependent on technology and we even demand more tools to be available so that the big corporations can have more information about our likes and dislikes.
We provide every day profesional, family and personal information that goes who knows where.
In the name of socialization, integration, and social mobility we rush to be part of this crazy ritual in the middle of the forest around the fire of 1s and 0s.
The truth is too disgusting to be digested. "Out of sight, out of mind," as they say. In the mean time, more bugs get attracted by the light.

Awesome, glad you liked this... I sort of went off at a tangent at the end but Seattle is the home of Amazon and some pretty heavy hitting tech companies. Sort of a mini silicon valley...

The structure envisaged by the architect Jeremy Bentham in his "panoptic", which sought the permanent visibility of the subject and thus to exert automatic power over him; foresight then reflected in the dystopian society of Orwell's novel 1984, has been realized in our contemporary world. Visibility (vigilance), privacy intervention and control prevail in all spheres of life. The "Big Brother" has the current name of "Big Data". Greetings, @zentalk.

There's a song that says, "Take care, someone's watching you. That omniscient eye watches you without realizing it. Who is watching? What does it do with the observed? Perhaps all private information will be used in ourselves so that we can be our own enemies. Without realizing it, we have given a lot of information to the networks, which have used them for profit. There are people out there who know our tastes, our weaknesses, even our thoughts. Greetings, @zentalk