How to Feel Safe in Difficult Times

in secured •  6 months ago 

For some, to say that the last few years have been difficult would be an understatement. We can only be rational in seeking guidance and solace when we are uncertain about what lies ahead.

In these stormy times, we can resort to external resources and strict procedures, rather than looking within ourselves for the support that will be appropriate for this yearning for protection we feel.

For example, each of us can strengthen our immune systems by consistent, health-conscious lifestyle choices. Naturally, this doesn't stop an infection from spreading, but it can make us more resilient.


One of the most important things we should understand is that constantly worrying and experiencing anxiety can negatively affect our daily mental health and cause physical strain on our bodies.

Our sympathetic nervous system (CNS) goes into "fight or flight" mode when we experience strong emotions like fear and anxiety.

When our mind perceives a situation as harmful, our body must use its stored energy to fight or escape.

The sympathetic nervous system activates the adrenal glands and produces substances like cortisol and adrenaline to prepare the body for danger.

Meanwhile, blood drains from unneeded bodily components, respiration and heart rates increase, the digestive system's functioning changes, and blood sugar levels rise.

This protection mechanism is so primitive that it cannot distinguish between a real threat and a hypothetical one.

Because of this, minor stressors in our daily lives might unintentionally set off the "fight or flight" response, which can lead to a cascade of symptoms like headaches, insomnia, palpitations, tense muscles, shortness of breath, and panic attacks.

The main factors affecting the survival of our species are stress and worry. There are numerous ways in which these two feelings are beneficial to our daily lives.

However, constant exposure to these substances activates our sympathetic nervous system, which is when we begin to experience their challenging effects.

For example, it is clear from watching and listening to the news that anxiety signals are present all the time.

In these exceptional times, the constant barrage of information, especially sensationalised and unclear news, makes us feel scared and consumes our thoughts.

It's good to stay informed about our security, but once we have the information we need, we can stop worrying.

At this point, the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) kicks in, ending the stress and fear reaction and assisting us in regaining homeostasis and tranquilly.

Here are few tips on how to increase immunity and feel safe. To break this vicious cycle of dread and learn how to control it, we must reduce the causes of fear and unwind our minds.

For example, you can watch how you feel after reading a news article. More focused, confident, or composed? Or are you feeling more worn out, perplexed, restless, lethargic, or worried?

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