What Does Security Patrol Do for You?

in security •  4 years ago 

Have you begun looking into security options for your business? If you have, you most likely heard of security patrol. However, you may not fully understand all security patrol entails. Continue reading to learn more about the function of security patrol and how it can be maximized to secure your business more efficiently.

What Does Security Patrol Do for You.jpg

Secure the Area

Security patrol will constantly monitor points of vulnerability around your property, as well as at points of entry and exit. Furthermore, they will ensure all security equipment and safeguards are operating/functioning correctly. During certain hours of they day, they will make sure one or both exits are fully secured.

You may be wondering why it is so important to have security guards instead of a mere security system. The answer is simple, security systems can be undermined, have blind spots, and are unable to prevent issues from occurring like a live person can. A security guard can work in correlation with technology to guarantee your security is rock solid every single hour of every single day.

The Power of Seeing Eyes

Half of the battle is knowing what to look for. The good news is security guards have specialized training that teaches them how to identify suspicious people, behavior, or potential problems. A regular security guard(s) at your business will learn what is your “normal”. Thus, they will know regular employees, routines, and equipment. This is beneficial as they will be able to quickly identify when something is off, or a suspicious or unwelcome person appears. This helps to prevent security breaches, theft, and a host of other security concerns.

Thorough Coverage at Random Intervals

One of the hallmarks of security patrol is their unpredictability to criminals who may be planning a security breach or theft. Security guards will patrol on random intervals so no observer will be able to predict a good time to strike. Thus, it will be less likely criminals will target your business for fear of being caught.

In addition to the randomness of the patrol, security guards provide another wonderful benefit for your business’s protection; they are thorough. Random and thorough patrols go hand and hand, as randomness is only good if your guards check every square inch of the premises. If criminals discover only one area is being patrolled, it would be a perfect opportunity for a security breach.

This is why security guards are trained to conduct a thorough security patrols at random to ensure your business does not become vulnerable to criminals.

A Visible Deterrent

Security officers are a symbol of authority. When people see a live security guard(s) patrolling the premises, they are unlikely to commit criminal acts as they know they will be caught. The same is true of potential criminals. When they are aware of a security presence and the likelihood of being apprehended and handed over to the Police, they are much less likely to see your business as an easy hit. Security guards are also great for customer relations as they provide a safe person for customers to report security concerns to and ask for help.

Don’t resign your business security to the lifeless lenses of cameras alone. Allow the trained experts to regularly patrol your business to keep employees and customers safe, while protecting your assets!


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