in sekolah •  7 years ago 
  1. Model tujuan (model tradisional): pengukuran melalui tujuan-tujuan operasional

  2. Model sistem (pendekatan proses/multidimensi):
    konsistensi interal, efisiensi penggunaan dan
    keberhasilan mekanisme kerja

  3. Model tujuan-sistem: model parsons (adaptasi,
    pencapaian tujuan, integrasi dan latensi) dan teori
    postman&weingartner (fungsi-fungsi esensial sekolah).


  1. Goal model (traditional model): through measurement operational objectives

  2. System model (process approach / multidimensional): interal consistency, efficiency of use and success of working mechanism

  3. System-goal model: parsons model (adaptation,
    achievement of goals, integration and latency) and theory postman & weingartner (essential school functions).


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