Pooping In The Woods - A Liberating Experience!

in self-development •  5 years ago 

What does "pooping in the woods" have to do with self-development, you may ask yourself:? As far-out as it sounds it has everything to do with it. And here is my rundown why...

A lifetime on being potty-trained has its glaring side-effects on our lives, even and especially into our adult life. After all, we all use toilets every day, we are so used to the way it works, to the equipment we need and to the setting of the bathroom so that we equate taking a dump to this specific type of location and ambience.

The first thing one will notice when being faced with the need to go number two in a rural environment is that all sorts of fears arise in the mind. "Oh my god, I need to go but there is no toilet anywhere. What will I DO? How will I manage to get this thing done? What if someone sees me?"

There are even more far-out considerations my mind has tried to throw at me such as: "What if I am being attacked by a wolf while squatting? What if ants crawl up my leg? What if I step into a bear trap?"

You see it really all comes down to the ego mind defending its preferred and learned way of handling the situation.


Step 1: Find an even space in the forest preferrably with leaves and twigs around

But as soon as you actually have to go, as soon as the pressure has become strong enough and there is no other way than to just go into the woods and let the droppings fall where they may (hehe) - when that moment comes you will be free. You will feel liberated! Instantly.

Not only due to the physical sensation of actual relief, getting rid of old matter that has been used up by your body and needs to be let go of, but also because as soon as you are first pooping in the woods a mighty door of possibilities will open - unmistakably so.

You realize that all the things you thought you needed for this to happen actually don't matter at all. You do not need a white toilet. You do not need running water or a lit bathroom with tiles. You do not need to pay a fee to enter. You do not need chemical agents to cleanse the place of fumes and traces afterwards.

Rather all you need is a bare minimum of equipment to wipe (such as a few pieces of toilet paper, and optionally 1-2 pieces of wet wipes). Other people have successfully used leaves found in the forest on bushes and trees. If you do use these please make sure they are not poisonous or agitating.

Yet other people never use wipes but take some form of water with them, using their watered fingers to clean themselves with. For this you can take a plastic bottle of water with you or even take a mouthful of water and spit it on your finger until you have fully "cleaned" yourself.

Then all you really need to do to be "safe" is to wash your hands afterward, just like you would in any bathroom. You could take a tiny piece of soap with you using the rest of the water in the bottle with a cap that is minimally unscrewed, trickling out the water to wash your hands with. Others use ash or even dirt to clean their hands of potential bacteria.

That is really all though!

Then for some civilized courtesies you may put some leaves over your pile and mark the thing with a stick pointing upwards or a large stone, preventing other people strolling the forests from accidentally stepping into your pile.


Step 2: Prepare the pooping spot by shoving aside leaves, uncovering the forest floor

So what exactly makes this experience so liberating? You realize suddenly that you can now take a dump anywhere, anytime out in nature. Your array of pooping-options while traveling is drastically expanded, you no longer need to plan out your bowel schedule on long trips, you do not need to worry about the topic at all any longer and you do not need to feed the toilet industry any more. Oh and the view just doesn't compare to even the most pristine bathroom. Birds are singing and the wind is blowing through the trees. What's there not to like?!

On a more technical level: There are also major benefits for taking a dump in the squatting position as your intestines are more stretched in this position than if you were sitting on a toilet, where the "stuff" would have to go around corners. Nature quite frankly prefers a squatting position for human beings for doing their business so why wouldn't we make use of it?

The initial "scary" thought of being like a dirty animal quickly transforms into a sensation of "wow, this was so easy. How was I ever worried about this at all?!" It is quite the aha-moment after you get done and realize that everything is perfectly fine and like it was a moment ago, only you will feel a lot richer in experience and self-confidence as this new way of independence has entered your life. I always underestimated it until I actually went number two in the woods for the first time.

Step 3: You can imagine that yourself ;)

There is also something to be said about the liberating aspects of independence from the "conveniences" of the matrix in regards to taking a dump. Imagine how people will feel if the system ever crashes and they suddenly have no running water in their house. Can you imagine how many people will literally freak out and will not know how to actually take a dump now?

Some may be so afraid of going out in nature that they would rather hold it in for days and days which can't be all that healthy.

If you ever get the luxury of staying in the same area for a few days and you actually have time you may find that by the end of your stay the pile you made has already started to be decomposed by nature. Flies carry it away and recycle it, as do other organisms that bring the matter you used up back into the cycle of nature, which seems so much more sensible than doing a lot of industrial shenanigans with our poo just to "clean it". It does not need to be cleaned, it is perfect fertilizer as it is. All we get hung up on is that we make it somehow "bad" because we fail to realize that poo is perfect in some places, and dangerous in others. So it's great to get it out of sight and to allow nature to reuse it, but you definitely want to make sure you don't carry it around with you (either in your intestine or the side of your shoe) and that it won't bother other human beings either.


Step 4: Cover your "work" with leaves and put some twigs around the danger zone or have some sticking out to mark the spot for others

I felt I went into more detail than I originally planned on, ahahaha. But since I am out on the road now and pooping in the woods has become a regular experience again I felt I wanted to share this with people who are trying to lessen their dependence on matrix-constructs and the dogmas of our society. In this weird way, shitting in the woods and the resulting realizations have had major impact on my way of seeing myself relate to the world around me, and they have given me tremendous faith in my own ability to unwind from brainwashing, becoming free and independent again.

If you doubt what I am saying here try pooping out in nature next time you need to go number two. It doesn't really seem "difficult" and "threatening" until you actually attempt it, and it doesn't become "liberating" until you actually went through with it and your ego realized: Everything is perfectly fine!

If you found this article useful for your own path you may also want to check out an older article of mine along similar lines: "How Getting Naked With Strangers Killed My Social Anxiety - Exploring The Correlation Between Nudity And Trust"

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All images taken by me ;)

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