Strategies to develop and enjoy the feeling of SELF-worth!

in self-worth •  10 months ago 

Self-worth is a confusing idea. On the one hand, "self" and "value" refer to the sense of oneself as a particular value, as is evident from morphology.

However, what exactly this value of oneself consists of is quite unclear. What's that? And what does it have to do with my life?

I would like to suggest the following list of synonyms for "self-worth": self-love, self-acceptance, self-interest, self-respect, and self-care. In this way, we broaden the term's perceived range.

It is now evident what behaviours have significance and serve as a sign of self-worth in the form of an accepting and polite attitude towards oneself.


Since each person is different, it might be challenging to determine how precisely my life connects to my sense of self-worth.

I'd like to suggest a quick exercise that will help you fill this semester with personal writing.

Try to picture a close and cherished person in your life who is or was the same gender (critical note).

Next, list the precise meaning that the phrase "to love and respect" holds for you in relation to this individual.

Try to be particular, but the list may differ. For instance, "To me, loving and respecting my daughter means..."

Everything else is easy. All you have to do is "extend" this list for yourself. As an illustration, "To feel your worth means..."

Pardon your errors; Show yourself kindness when facing a challenging circumstance;
Make yourself some delectable breakfasts; give yourself impromptu presents; etc.

The goods, occasions, deeds, and values that you truly needed but never permitted yourself may be on the list. if you didn't want to, you did it for other people even if you didn't let yourself.

For example, one of my friends, who grew up in a poor household, cheerfully bought her daughter new gowns in outrageous quantities, without realising that her own want was for gifts and clothes both now and in the future.

Although she adored the product, a friend of hers would frequently purchase pricey red caviar of the best calibre for her mother, even if she did not consume it herself.

I started to question my mother's motivations after learning one day that she didn't require this much of the delicacy.

And when she saw that, since she could already afford to continuously purchase a delicacy for her loved ones, she was trying to satisfy her own need to feel financially wealthy, she became a little irritated.

Give yourself permission to make a long list of your definition of love for someone. Then you'll have an impressive list of your own self-worth manifestations.

Give yourself permission to acknowledge your desires and what you value personally. Give yourself more grace than previously.

You now possess your own "resource chest," a compilation of ideas about what self-worth might mean to you. Make use of it and savour the sense of self-worth!

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