I love fruits! It's just so amazing how much you can get from just a single fruit. So here's my entry for the selfie with fruits challenge
First Pic
Oranges (or any other source of vitamin C) are a constant with me as I have occasional bouts of sinuses.
There's me and my happy orange taking a selfie
Second Pic
And this is my favorite fruit of all, as they aren't just delicious but also come choked with nutrients. These are my go-to mood booster anyday and I also take it for it's rich potassium value.
Third Fruits
And lastly, these are cherries, popularly called African Star Apple. Surprisingly, these seemingly boring looking fruits contain more vitamin C/ascorbic acid than oranges, which is why I take them.
They are also known to for clearing sour throat as well as reducing blood sugar.
So the next time you happen upon a fruit stand that stocks them, you might want to look into getting some.