Best SEO TIPS 2018

in seo •  7 years ago 

20+ SEO Words You Should Delete From Your Vocabulary Immediately!


When you hear certain SEO terms, do you get a cringe-worthy feeling?

Are we still talking about wearing black hats and white hats?

Some SEO words have just run their course, classifying as overused, overvalued, and in some cases just plain over.

When we asked leading SEO professionals words to eliminate, the most overused SEO word is, actually, SEO.

SEO: The Most Overused SEO Word Ever?

Here’s why you can’t be all things to all people.

SEO is not magic and it’s not a catchall.

“The word SEO on its own isn’t bad,” said digital marketing consultant and SEO expert Kelsey Jones. “People are starting to use it as a way to not explain to clients what they are doing. Shady agencies are using vague terms to not be transparent with clients.

“I have small business owners coming to me, asking for ‘SEO’ and assuming it will magically make them number one in search results simply because other SEO practitioners have said it’s possible within months. As professionals, it’s just not right to be taking advantage of people who have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jones added.

Considering SEO’s birth dates back to 1997 making it just over 20 years old, there’s still a ton of growing up to do.

We’ve gone from birth to infancy to middle school to teen years and graduated from college.


SEO was quite simple in the early years.

Gaming the system was easy.

Manipulating search results was the game.

Now that SEO is in its 20’s, things are starting to mature and get serious.

As SEO grows up, so does the vocabulary, terminology, and best practices.

In today’s complicated and fast-moving digital marketing world change is a way of life. It’s true, If search marketers had to pick a specialty it would be “expert in change.”

And so the SEO goes.

What worked last year is old news and what was amazing five years ago is ancient history in Google years.


Optimizing to win results on Google’s Page 1 search results needs an attitude of “adapt or die.”

To keep up with the changes, here are 20-something SEO words industry experts would like to delete, die, and say bye-bye.

SEO Words That Just Need to Go Bye Bye

Matt Cutts
SEO is Dead
Link Juice
Link building
Content is King
Content Marketing
Outbound Marketing
Integrated campaigns
Ranking Factor
Meta Description
The “Hats” Black Hat, White Hat
Do ‘this’ and you will succeed
Hacking anything

Words That Need to Be Added

Danny Sullivan
Featured Snippets
Artificial Intelligence
Customer anything
Holistic SEO
Facebook Organic Optimization
Chief Digital Officer
Driverless Vehicle Optimization Expert

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Mamun Noah

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