9/11 stuff, 18 years later

in september11 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Yup, it's that day again. For most that experienced the events, be it via the mainstream media airwaves, Internet, or even on the ground in New York City, or at the Pentagon, it was a day not to be forgotten. We ain't gonna comment on Shanksville, PA and the pre-existing hole in the ground.

Many have since questioned the day's narrative and what unfolded officially then, and thereafter—others not so much, or at all. There's a ton of material out there to help one get started, if one is ever curious.

BNB posted last year on this topic, 9/11 stuff 17 years along - a few tidbits here and there.

But there's so much out there if one ever decides to go looking. One just need decide to roll up one's sleeves and dive in, amidst the muck and mire of mis- / dis-information mixed in with what really went on.

This cat's 25m17s take on the big day adds some insights and information many are not aware of.

Beyond all that, on a completely different level, the day's "events" had a lot more meaning to a certain set of folks out there. This short, allegedly "independent" animation, I, Pet Goat ii from 2012 points to that, as regards that day, what has happened since, and what is coming.

There's a LOT of stuff packed in here, via symbols, codes, numerology, gematria and much more, including the area of TSTDWYTKAD #0007 - Predictive Programming.

IPGii (for short) is crammed full with way more material than the minimalist, LOL-lerful [sic] Wikipedia entry above mentions and alludes to. It has been analyzed by sooooo many punters, frame by frame, image by sub-image, and tied to a plethora of hidden meanings and predictions. You can find a ton of material on it. It's a whole other rabbit hole to jump into.

This particular analysis video below, struck a chord with Bob, after watching many others over the years since the original video first broke.

It's long, at 1h 21m 03s, and a bit rambling perhaps at times, but it's very well done overall. It sure contained many facets BNB had not seen or thought of before. It may be worthwhile to consider paying attention to what it portends, especially as regards potentially later this evening September 11 (Hawaii time) / early morning tomorrow September 12 (Right Koast time in A-Merry-Ka and Canuckistan).

Who knows for sure what's going to happen and when, but at least be aware of the possibilities. Nonny donny get caught with one's mental knickers in a twist or at one's feet, with the next big event, like back in the day in 2001.

Don't get surprised, and fooled again, just like that classic chune [sic] by zee Who in 1971, who so presciently throw that out there for our sorry asses.

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