I remember as a kid I would see pink slime in the shower in Fallon NV and Las Vegas NV. Never thought much of it. Didn't see or notice it much really since I was a pre teen. Well, I guess it was actually a bacteria called Serratia marcescens and most likely a bioweapon the government released not knowing it was harmful in the '50s and '60s and collecting microbes of late via the LAB process or IMO process I have taken note of it again. It's been in our IMO collections from the backyard to Indian Springs(across the street from Creech air force base, yup the drone base).
I do happen to live right by Nellis air force base and with in 100 miles of Area 51 and Creech air force base too.
I was ambitious and overly confident with making fermented milk with our locally harvested microbes and used the curds and whey with the lactic acid from the LAB I made to make some kefir with it as opposed to store bought probiotics.
I failed and this is what failure looks like! It's been days and I've been wondering what is taking so long to seperate. I've done this process a few times with LAB and a few times with store bought probiotics. It works every time with the store bought stuff. Sadly this is the first time this happened from a LAB Inoculation of the milk.
What bothers me is the pink bacteria! That some might say is a harmful bioweapon. Having soil in the backyard that is still too 'compact' doesn't help and we are used to summer helping the excessive moisture content in the soil but not this year. This year upper 70s and tons of clouds not much sun or heat. 😂 Thank goodness I did not consume this! Store bought probiotics for the win😆 * screen shots from https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/1950-us-released-bioweapon-san-francisco-180955819/
#Serratiamarcescens #bacteria #microbes #lacticacidbacteria #fail #lasvegas #share2steem
