Web Design Services in Singapore: Terms You Need to Know

in services •  2 years ago 

If you arrived at this article after typing in “Web Design Services in Singapore,” chances are you are already considering a website revamp or planning to set up a professional website for your business.

When you engage anyone in our industry, you will be exposed to a variety of services that you can always choose from. However, you may also be among many customers who can get intimidated and confused by the terminologies that form part of our web design and development services. That’s why in this article, we will discuss and explain the most common solutions we provide to help you understand them better.

10 Web Design & Development Services You Should Know

1. Web Page Design

This is the process of creating specific web pages such as the Home, About Us, and Services pages. Web page designs are usually done with Photoshop and require professionals who are proficient in multimedia and user interface design to deliver awesome designs that catch a user’s attention.

In addition, professional web designers also study a client’s branding elements in order to deliver a web design suitable for their business. These elements include colour consistency and font hierarchy as they allow the web designer to showcase the webpage, website, and the client’s overall visual identity online.

2. HTML Programming

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a programming language that makes up the structure and backbone of a website. It plays a huge part in how certain elements of your website are going to be displayed in a browser. It’s also the simplest language used in web development, making it the popular choice for static corporate websites.

However, if your corporate website would have around 30 web pages, then programming each of it with HTML can take a lot of time. In order to deliver it efficiently, it would be best to build a custom HTML template for it to be used in a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress. Once the programmer is able to do so, clients can easily modify their content on their own, even if they are not knowledgeable in HTML.

In HTML web development, having someone proficient in CSS and HTML is far preferred than someone good at designing an HTML website. This is because good programmers can efficiently convert a design similar to how they can code it from scratch.

3. PHP Programming

In contrast to HTML Programming, PHP Programming is often used for dynamic or interactive websites. It’s the primary programming language used for the back-end of Content Management Systems like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla! So if your website is dedicated to having heavy content needs, tapping capable PHP web developers would be your best move.

It’s important to take note that not all HTML programmers are capable of PHP programming. However, you can expect all PHP programmers to be knowledgeable about HTML as the latter is the most basic language used in developing a website.

4. Corporate Websites

Corporate Websites are probably the most common type of websites on the internet. Its goal is to display relevant information about a business for them to generate enquiries and leads. Most corporate websites will also have other essential pages such as a Careers page for candidates to easily submit their applications online. With these in mind, corporate websites would usually require web page design, HTML programming, and PHP programming in order to be developed.

5. Creative or Interactive Websites

Creative Web Design services are for businesses that want to take their websites to the next level by providing an interactive and impactful experience for their visitors. It’s different from a corporate website in a way that it applies captivating web elements and strong visuals to deliver an enhanced user experience for a visitor. When done right, it will make users stay and potentially convert them into customers.

Visit our creative websites portfolio to know more about how these websites are able to stand out.

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6. eCommerce Websites

If you are looking to set up a business online, then having an eCommerce website is the best way to go. This type of website offers special functionalities compared to corporate websites as they provide features such as shopping cart, add to cart, inventory, sales report, among many others.

When it comes to building an online shopping website, a business would always have different and unique needs. That’s why web development agencies usually utilise eCommerce platforms such as Magento or Shopify in order to deliver tailor-made solutions that best suit a business’ requirements.

Choosing an eCommerce platform will greatly depend on the kind of eCommerce setting you want to have. Whereas Magento is for businesses that want unlimited flexibility and want to scale immediately, Shopify is for businesses wanting a user-friendly and all-in-one eCommerce solution.

7. User Experience Design

User Experience (UX) Design is the process of improving user satisfaction by ensuring that your website delivers a seamless and fulfilling experience for your visitor. In setting up or revamping a website, it’s highly important for you to consider UX Design to guarantee that your website is user-friendly and helps the user to accomplish their goals with it easily. Otherwise, your visitors will just feel confused and frustrated and will eventually leave your website without submitting an enquiry or doing any other desired action.

UX Designers are the ones who ensure that your website generates a positive feeling when users interact with it. They deal with the understanding of technical user experience strategies and utilise tools such as Adobe XD, InVision, and stacks of sticky notes to ensure that your website provides a meaningful, intuitive, and enjoyable experience.

8. Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is an approach that lets your web layout adapt to any device or screen it is being viewed on. Having a responsive layout is a must for websites nowadays since most people are on their smartphones. When you consider responsive web design, you are giving your visitors a better user experience since the content in your website is being displayed seamlessly on any device they use. And once you give your browsers good user experience, your website will result in having lower bounce rates, high conversion rates, and good Google search ranking.

9. Copywriting Services

Copywriting refers to creating compelling contents meant to persuade an audience to engage a brand. It is a critical part of the web design and development process as it is one of the important elements that would make your visitors stay on your website. More than that, good copywriting is also essential in making effective advertisements, social media posts, blog articles, and so on.

This service requires the expertise of professionally trained copywriters since aside from making the content persuasive and grammatically sound, the copywriting process needs a special understanding of how users behave on the internet. By tapping a copywriting service for your website and other digital marketing collaterals, you will be able to effectively deliver your brand’s message across multiple platforms.

Also read: Our article about the 10 Effective Online Ad Copywriting Tips to Get More Clicks.

10. Custom Programming Services

Custom Programming services make use of PHP programming to get custom applications to work the way you want. This type of web development service leverages the expertise of a dedicated Project Manager and Business Analyst who will guide you towards your goals.

Custom programming is ideal for businesses that want a completely unique website from scratch. In fact, some websites that were custom programmed are now successful tuition portals, food catering websites, property listing, and product listing websites.

Now that you’re aware of the services we provide, we hope that you now understand which service is suitable for your business. In conclusion, it’s highly important for you to be knowledgeable about these terms, as it is one way of how you can determine what your business needs in order to achieve web excellence.

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