SES senior Executive Service The real Deep state unveiled

in ses •  7 years ago 

SES (Senior Executive Service) from the beginning to now. image

Senior Executive Service flag

I have had many people request names and proof of the Senior Executive Service so I will be including all of the official documents that reveals the Names of everyone that is part of the SES.
This is one of my videos that mysteriously cut off while I was live discussing this information

The documents included that many of us working behind the scenes mainly Field McConnel and David Hawkins have been trying to expose for decades with the amazing people from Able Danger. These documents prove the decades of treachery against the American taxpayer by our government institutions themselves. Since these documents have a way of magically being scrubbed and disappearing from the internet, I strongly suggest you IMMEDIATELY download these documents and distribute them onto multiple computers so that they will not disappear. That is why I am putting them here on the Blockchain of Steemit.

The SES documents contain names, dates, titles and events—all actionable and potentially indictable evidence.

I put these in a Mega file for easy download once you have them download them to a backup location.

This first drop is huge mostly all official documents such as SES Hand books FOIA requests etc!7rYgBDBL!ovpOLfrVu2bZ5RTb8XFRlA

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(MAR. 16, 2018)—The Senior Executive Services (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

The Act reformed the civil service of the federal government, partly in response to the Watergate scandal. It abolished the U.S. Civil Service Commission and distributed its functions primarily among four new agencies: the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) and the Senior Executive Service (SES).

On Sep. 19, 1979, President Carter called SES "the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act." Tellingly, Wikipedia describes it as an also-ran program. Also-ran or keystone? It cannot be both. President Carter's statement stands in stark contrast to the program's TOTAL lack transparency.

Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say.

“No wonder the Mueller gang is so haughty. 500 unelected DOJ lawyers control all federal pay for their corporate overlords”

Donald Trump threatens their seditious corporatist gravy train.

Newly discovered (and cleverly hidden) Federal Register reports (Table 1) identify 500 unelected DOJ lawyers who control the pay for all federal workers in the United States in total stealth mode. These SES members include Bruce Ohr, the now disgraced former associate deputy attorney general who arranged the fake “dirty dossier” in collusion with British spy Christopher Steele to discredit and depose President Trump.

Now we see why. If President Trump learned about the DOJ SS 500 stranglehold on the American economy and way of life, he would surely fire them and undo their many decades of effort to take over the American Republic. With their power over federal salaries, these 500 unelected DOJ officials control the country—from inside just one agency of the U.S. government.

President Trump can end this reign of terror by lowering the pay of every member of the SES to $1. Some of these people need to go to jail. The involvement with Steele, a foreign agent, by the DOJ SES 500 makes these actions possibly treasonous, with even harsher possibilities, according to our treason law.

Most people know that a new president gets to name over 4,000 political appointees when they are elected. This political cronyism is partisan politics and fills our bloated government with unqualified employees.

Some think that these are the people that comprise the Deep State.

But the Deep State is much deeper than that.

There is a much more sinister system in place that controls Washington D. C.’s bureaucracies through an actual, organized shadow government called the Deep State.

It is the heart of the swamp.

And with the help of many patriots we have now been able to unveil these operatives in this American Intelligence Media citizen intelligence report, we are going to explain what’s really going on and who is involved

The Washington D. C. Deep State is a group of 8,156 appointed mangers in 75 federal agencies that control the executive bureaucracy and tell new political appointees what they can and cannot do. Yes, that’s right, the Deep State is an official government program, well-organized, comprehensive, and “in charge.”


These the are the “Obama Holdouts” that still control the executive branch of government a full year after Trump has come to office. Obama expanded the existing Flag_of_the_United_States_Senior_Executive_Service.svgprogram of Deep State managers and appointed over 7,000 of the 8,156 bosses who are called the Senior Executive Service. Some call it the “Shadow Government”, and it is true that this federal cabal works in the shadows.

Have you ever heard of such a group?

Some call it Obama’s Army.

Let’s review what we know about the power of “political appointees” who hold important leadership and policymaking positions.

There are four basic types of appointments:

Presidential Appointments with Senate Confirmation: There are 1,212 senior leaders, including the Cabinet secretaries and their deputies, the heads of most independent agencies and ambassadors, who must be confirmed by the Senate.
Presidential Appointments without Senate Confirmation: There are 353 positions which make up much of the White House staff, although they are also scattered throughout many of the smaller federal agencies.
Non-career Senior Executive Service: Members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) work in key positions just below the top presidential appointees, bridging the gap between the political leaders and the civil service throughout the federal government.
Schedule C Appointments: There are 1,403 Schedule C appointees who serve in a confidential or policy role. They range from schedulers and confidential assistants to policy experts.

The Senior Executive Service (SES) in 2016 had 8,156 members who were appointees. Obama appointed over 7,000 of them to these key positions. Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system and often are not qualified.

It is little known that there are many more SES appointees than any other type of political appointment. The “key bosses” in the federal government’s SES program are not only unqualified cronies, but they are also paid more than the highest government rate of G-15. They can even get bonuses, and each agency can set the salary of each SES member, which has no top range.


The Senior Executive Service plays a critical role in every presidential transition, supporting and educating political appointees about how government works, and often temporarily serving in top agency jobs during the lengthy appointee confirmation and onboarding process. The article below describes the transition function of the SES. (at one time this was an active link, but it has been deactivated since we wrote the article)

Nearly 70% of SES Are About to Experience Their First Presidential Transition as Executives

SES logo -2From the way the State’s Senior Executive Service describes itself on its website and other publications and articles, you wouldn’t know that it is describing a shadow government, unless you looked carefully at what was actually being said and done.

The SES consists of men and women, noncareer and career officials, charged with leading the continuing transformation of government. SES officials are neither excepted nor competitive service appointments. SES appointees typically support officials with the implementation of current administration policies.


The SES was established by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 as an Executive Branch personnel system. SES members serve in key positions, just below the top Presidential appointees, and are the major link between senior officials and the rest of the Federal workforce. The two types of SES positions are General, which can be filled by any type of appointment, and Career Reserved, which can be filled only by a career appointment.

The following types of appointments may be made in the SES:

Noncareer Appointments are to a General SES position that, generally, is of a top policy determining character, who shares with Presidential appointees the advocacy of current administration policies. They can be made without regard to competitive requirements. Agencies may also set the pay level of the appointee.
Career Appointments have no time limitation and provide certain job protections and benefits not conferred by non-career and limited appointments.
Limited Term Appointments are nonrenewable appointments, for a term of three years or less.
Limited Emergency Appointments are nonrenewable appointments, not to exceed 18 months, to a General SES position established to meet a bona fide, unanticipated, urgent need.

The Senior Executive Service covers most managerial, supervisory, and policy positions in the Executive Branch above grade GS-15, except those that require Senate confirmation. The SES is a system in which salary and career status are personal rather than dependent on the position occupied. There are two main types of SES positions: career-reserved (which must be filled by career appointees) and general (which may be filled by career or non-career appointees, or by limited-term or limited emergency appointees).

There were 8,156 SES members in 2016. To see the evidence for those facts you can access the government’s official 2016 SES Report at the following site:

2016 Senior Executive Service Report

To see a thorough description of the general rules and procedures of the Senior Executive Service from the official government website, use the URL below:

Chapter 8, Section 9: Senior Executive Service

To read the government’s official description of the Senior Executive Service, you can access it at this site:

Senior Executive Service Overview and History

To read a beautiful sales-pitch for the best jobs in the federal government that require no experience, no skills, and yet get the highest pay of anyone, just go to this site:

Learn About Senior Executive Service (SES)

On page three of the report below, you can see for yourself that the 2016 Senior Executive Services Report lists that there were 8,156 SES members in 75 federal agencies. These “bosses” can’t really be fired because they are in charge. This is a good deal for SES members who are appointed as the all-knowing and all-powerful bosses of agencies they might not have even known existed before they were put in charge of them. And it was a brilliant play for Obama to have left this corruptcracy in place for Hillary’s final overthrow of America, but now which can thwart the attempts of the Trump administration to get anything done.

Even though these SES key managerial positions are paid the best, you can hardly find a single SES member’s name on any list, anywhere. That’s why they call it the DEEP State. SES is a system of controlling power through secrecy, and acting with complete impunity – and getting a big salary to boot.

The only people’s names you can find associated with these Deep State operatives is through the SES review boards that determine each year what “BONUS” these already over-paid SES bosses will receive. Yes, you heard it right – bonuses, like those Wall Street bankers and brokers who got bonuses after crashing the stock market. Look as you will, you can only find a list of names of the people who give these shadow government managers their bonuses.

Air Force SESWe provide at the link below, the government’s own website that lists the members of one particular Review Board. This SES Review Board is for the Department of Justice. Oops, if you read the prior attachments, you might have noticed that the government clearly states it is “forbidden” to have a SES system in the Department of Justice. Obviously, by the evidence below, you can see that there are SES members in the Department of Justice.

Don’t worry, just another Deep State lie to cover up the names of the SES shadow government. But we do have a list of the people who give raises to the SES members in the Department of Justic. Raises for these SES members who don’t exist but are the bosses.

Membership of the Senior Executive Service Standing Performance Review Boards

SES positions that were held in F/Y 2016

It might seem easy to criticize the Deep State from an armchair geo-political perch, but even Main Stream Media and government agencies have noticed the SES and found fault with its performance and Obama’s huge push to make it work at any cost. In an article entitled, Can the Government Fix Its Corps of Managers? The Senior Executive Service isn’t operating as it was designed to do, from The Atlantic in January of 2016, an objective assessment finds the SES program to be lacking in many ways.

Forty years ago, Congress set out to fix the government’s broken bureaucracy. It worried that the political appointees who head federal agencies didn’t have solid relationships with the civil servants below them. So, it established a new corps of government

This emblem is worn by employees of SES so that they can identify one another by their team “flag”. Now you know who they are, too. Going forward we can spot the members of Obama’s Army.
workers, called the Senior Executive Service, to be the executive branch’s expert managers, linking appointees to the rank-and-file. But today, a new report finds, the corps isn’t operating the way it’s supposed to be. And officials—from the Obama administration, to members of Congress, to the managers themselves—agree that they still haven’t perfected the art of running the federal government.

When the SES was created in 1978, Congress envisioned it as an “agile corps of generalists” who would “move about the government much in the way that military officers or foreign-service officers move through the military or the diplomatic corps,” said Jim Read, the director of policy and evaluation at the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, which produced the December report. They would bridge divisions within agencies and ensure continuity in operations across administrations, but first and foremost, they would be top-flight managers.

The SES, though, has drifted away from its original mission: The “agile corps” is not full of many generalists at all, and the senior executives receive little training to hone their management skills.

SES patch on a shirt D089889F-DEF2-4395-B639-C9A5DDACDD90.jpeg

We need to get these unelected, unaccountable, agenda-thwarting Obama appointees out of our government if we are going to fully drain the swamp. E6F55D2E-1944-46D2-B3CA-D815CD8C679F.png

Congress hasn’t been blind to the SES’s deficiencies, either. As a 2012 Congressional Research Service report details, reformers have had their eye on the SES for years. The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, for example, has gone after problems at the SES level at the VA. The government has been trying to reform the civil-service workforce for as long as it has existed. Forty years after its creation, many of the problems the SES was intended to solve persist.

The Deep State is deeper and wider than most people know, and instead of being hidden and secret it seems to be public and filled with well-paid Obama hold-overs. Unqualified, political appointees control the new Presidential appointees and the standard bureaucracy below them.

It is hard to believe, and may leave a person outraged, witnessing the audacity of career government employees and the corruption of the systems politicians have put in place. Deep State cronyism built upon graft and obfuscation fills the Senior Executive Service.

There is no need at all to have this Deep State shadow government, and these political, over-paid management positions should be filled by highly qualified staff through a comprehensive merit system, not appointed by a partisan president.

It is time to pull the plug on the Deep State’s mechanism that creates governmental programs and agencies that make no sense at all, unless these machinations are an attempt to overthrow the government that is supposed to work for We the People.


More to come please upvote thanks we need to get this information out to everyone

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America’s sign of the time!! Not just at OPM or other federal agencies but the in-house version of the EEOC at the Social Security Administration or OCREO is very biased too.

Asian-American federal employees working for the Social Security Administration are being discriminated at an alarming rate.

SSA is a declining federal agency which has always touting social assistance and societal equality but the unwelcoming disrespect and the hostility is worsening. The ethnic rank-and-file who do not belong to one of the BIG THREE group are feeling the heated aggression big time including from their own AFGE union reps against lower-level Asian-American field employees. It is so rampant that it forcibly pitted some Asian-American supervisors to be equally or exceeded the viciousness toward these unrepresented employees.

Based on this discriminatory culture, it is the only way for many SSA supervisors to prove their management prowess and self-worth recognition by harassing other Asian-American employees. The agency would also look the other way when it comes to lack promotion or retention of those Asian-Americans who are promoted. The Boston and Dallas/Fort Worth Area field offices are the worst for those unfortunate Asian employees amid this whole unchecked discriminatory culture within a much declining USA federal government agency in 2019!!!!!!!!

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