# Day 3/Seven77 Pushup Challenge

in seven77 •  6 years ago  (edited)


Staying at an aunt-in-law's while we have our fans repaired.

Greetings, everyone
This is my third entry for the #seven77 challenge in his promotion of Steem. I think that Steem, and Steemit in particular, provides the best platform for artists, especially writers to share their art and craft and for readers to find amazing contemporary fiction to read (totally FREE).

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I am doing the challenge for several reasons, both personal and related to Steemit. This time I want to emphasize the cultural and intellectual advantage that Steemit provides for anyone interested in literature. I am also doing it for a country where…

1 giving

2 children

3 good

4 literature

5 becomes

6 a

7 priority

And Steemit,

where the best contemporary literature awaits you.

Power House Creatives Logos FINAL.png

With this video I want to promote Steemit and also some excellent children’s books. Some of these titles can be found in several languages.

Books featured in the video:

  1. Un Pasito…Y Otro Pasito (Now one foot, now the other) by Tomie de Paola
  2. Margarita by Rubén Dario, Illustrated by Monika Doppert
  3. Mi Familia de Trapo (Rag-doll family) by Salvador Garmendia
  4. Buenas Noches, Gorila by Peggy Rathman
  5. La noche de las estrellas (The Night of the stars) by Douglas Gutierrez, Illustrated by María Fernanda Oliver.
  6. S.O.S Televisión (La Java bleue) by Germano Zullo
  7. Niña Bonita by Ana María Machado, illustrations by Rosana Faría


Thanks for your visit. Join the #Seven77 challenge, Twiter your post and help Steem grow.

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Reading and knowing what you read is all what Steemit is about , good luck on the challenge .... and I love the old you picture in on of the other blogs

Thank you, @brittandjosie

Amazing brother your 3 days doing the challenge, totally impressive..congratulations #Seven77 #STEEM

Thank you

Great work on your #seven77 push-ups challenge.

Thanks. Let's keep steeming

Keep on going and keep on steemin! Books and literature are often taken for granted by kids these day. Most of the youngsters are glued on phones and it is best way is to expose them to books at a very young age.

That's the idea. I think that everything should have its time and a kid who has just learned to walk and talk should not be plugged to electronics where there is so much else to learn from the physical world. By the time they are, say, 8 or 10, there's no much that can be done to make them socialize or acquire whatever cultural traiat their parents may deem valuable (they'd be lost in cyberculture).
Thanks for stopping by.

Amazing work #steem on

Thank you, @amir99