Seven day beer challenge: Day 2

in sevendaybeerchallenge •  7 years ago 

So. We meet again, Steemians. What? It's been 4 days since I did my first day of the beer challenge? Pft, miss me with that gay shit. You stop lying, that's not how we're going to remember it! Anyways, I'm back here again posting with my second alcoholic beverage of the challenge. I suppose one good thing with starting out with alligator piss with antifreeze in a can is that it's hard to go any further downhill than that. Seriously, fuck Natty Rush and all of the people who work on the assembly line for it. I hope you all get mauled by a sentient garbage bag full of glass. This time around I'm reviewing something a bit odd that I hadn't heard of before. It's called "Not your Mom's Iced Tea", which I believe is made by the same people who make that "Not your Father's Rootbeer" shit.

I wasn't really sure what to expect going into this one. The label definitely tries to appeal with an old time America vibe, you know, when everything was greaaaaat. It sounded pretty interesting and different, and tea is a type of beverage that I figured would pair well with booze. My initial impression is "Meh". I don't think this is the worst thing I've ever had to drink, but it's definitely not the best. I actually think the tea portion of the drink is great, and I would love to drink it without the alcoholic. Buuut, with the alcohol? It just taste like lemon iced tea that has rubbing alcohol dumped inside of it. It has a really shit aftertaste, in my opinion.

1. Did I like it? Eh, it was okay.

2. Will I try it again? Probably not, but maybe if it was the only thing available

3. How much did it cost? $1.78 at our local Krogers (I got a 6 pack deal to finish off the rest of these reviews)

This picture sums out my overall opinion.

Now, it's time for me again to nominate some poor fool to come partake in this challenge. It seems like I'm setting a bit of a trend, but this time again I'm going to nominate another talented artist who'm I've had the pleasure to become Steemit buddies with, @steemitadventure! Stop being so fucking talented for a second and come get fucked up for our entertainment! I suggest you start with Natty Rush, the greatest sludge to ever taste like sewage water of Boston!

Rules for the challenge!

  • You have to try a new beer every day for seven days.
  • It has to be a beer that you've never tried before
  • You must take a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
  • You'll have to nominate someone to participate everyday
  • If you're a social outcast who has no friends to invite, you just join in on the fun. You have every reason to drink.
  • Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.
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Maybe we did this wrong, it should have been a one day Natty Rush challenge!

If I ever get really depressed and don't care, I'll just start up the 3 day Natty Rush challenge where you have to try all 3 flavors.

I challenge you to get a Four Loko Grape some day this challenge.

I hear it makes Natty Rush look like kool-aid

In that case, I'll do it for the low, low fee of $59.99.

For real though, that sounds fucking awful, lol.

I forgot all about them, I was looking up Natty flavors.
Found this.....
Four Loko, whose flavors such as grape, mango, peach and sour apple range from 12% to 14% ABV.

Yeah, I'd definitely not do that one for free, lol. I can only imagine how god awful that would taste.

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