in sevendaybnwchallenge •  7 years ago 

I nominate @seareader1

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Love the look of contentment on their faces 😄

i know eh. that is because they dont care anymore what the world thinks. I made those by the 1980

A woman of many Tallents 💜💜

I think I want to look dignified like that , when I am that old. way too cool. Thank you BTW. sometimes I would think, jack of all trades, master of none. but nah.....varied interests, makes an interesting life.

I was stop again in your post @marionbowes ..same pray like yesterday....i hope you win the challenge ...and you can take me to travel around the nova scotia...hehe (iam joking) ^^
Ok have a nice day @marionbowes

I am running tomorrow and saturday and sunday so yes one day...virtuall run.

Owh yeah....iam so glad to know that....hahahahaah..
Big thanks to u @marionbowes ....
Iam so appreciate it....we hope tomorrow you in fresh condition ...and i will enjoy your virtual run...hehehe
Thank u so much @marionbowes...
I have new post on my page ...hope u like it if there something less i need your suggest...haha
Have fun for tomorrow...