RE: What some people don't get about sexuality

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What some people don't get about sexuality

in sex •  8 years ago  (edited)

It's normal because only a man mating with a woman produces children.

All sex for mere pleasure is ultimately abnormal and socially contemptible in healthy societies, contraceptives are a perversion of what you're meant to be doing and the woman's happy conception is always desirable. I am a great pervert myself, so I know exactly what I am talking about.

The modern libertarded point of view is a well-known luciferian false path. It is deliberately backwards: you are forced to place carnal pleasure and "freedom" ahead of everything else in your reasonings. Pleasure elevated as the First Principle of everything is of course a delusional and maladaptive form of hedonism. Think about it. Why is sexual activity pleasurable in the first place? Because that's nature's way to encourage & facilitate reproduction. The sexes are otherwise disgusted by each other. We are not children, we have some understanding of ourselves beyond mere pleasure of the moment; the luciferian world order subverts this and requires everyone to think and act like irresponsible, pointlessly rebellious children.

Even masturbation is socially contemptible where indigenous reason (and not pre-packaged luciferian rebellion) still rules in men's hearts. Even animals can be observed hiding away to engage in it. When we say that homosexuality is abnormal, that is what we mean: it is all a type of masturbation, a type of perversion of the natural order that physiologically cannot lead to anything good. Normal heterosexual sex leads to the continuation and expansion of the species, therefore representing the ultimate good by definition.

Homosexuality is to sex what junk food is to nutrition.

And that's why "in 2016" everyone on television suddenly feels very tolerant and let's all hold hands and accept all kinds - because it's a way to curb reproduction. Especially among the so called "privileged" element: the undesirable & problematic whites.

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so happy that someone is truly aware about this issue. Homosexuality has always been around but in extremely low percentage because it was socially abnormal. The zionists/ luceferians/ secret societies saw an opportunity to degrade society they pushed and propagandized this issue and conditioned people to CHOOSE this way of expressing sexuality. Mind you the social pressure and the encouragement to choose homosexuality are ever so present. Particularly with the stuff they are teaching kids in school now. Now a days it's almost uncool to be hetero, they are making it so appealing to be different and to be hateful towards heterosexual people. So sad that heteros will be the minority in the near future.

AND NO THERE IS NO GAY GENE, proving that homosexuality is part of social conditioning.

PLaw Makers in Canada just decriminalized bestiality. Eventually they will decriminalize pedophilia. they are already priming society for it with this kind of predictive programming:

We got all that tolerance and "freedom" because of "The Overton window" which is social technology.

I disagree. Sex is MUCH more than reproducing.

It is the meeting and coition of two sexual energies. So if a man happens to be more feminine than masculine, or is only attrcated to men, who gives a fuck? Id rather everybody be hpy in any way they can because vibrations radiate.

Cogliostro,you can have your bigot views,there is freedom of speech. But they have no basis in rationality or science,and please don´t bother gay people with them. Sex is not about reproduction. Reproduction is a biological function. Sex is an act,and I don´t care why I have a sex drive. You can make the argument that we have the sex drive for the evolutionary purpose of reproduction,but to go from there and claim that sex SHOULD be about reproduction,is just a random dogma.
I have a child,and I am not planning to have more. I still enjoy sex. Mostly with women,but I´ve had experiences with men as well, and it´s all great!
Sex is pleasure,but can also be a deep connection, something spiritual even.
Your views are obviously based on religion. Religion is just stories for children.

Kooshikoo, as you have aptly demonstrated, you have no higher principle than the pleasure-of-the-moment principle. Unfortunately this is the case. A true observation from my original post that we cannot hand-wave away. You are a good little luciferian enabler, and would be applauded any day on television.

But 98% of the rest of humankind do not share the degenerate western views. Unlike you and I, they are not living in Sodom & Gomorrah yet. They rightly see you and I as abominable.

I did not claim that sex SHOULD be for reproduction - I pointed out that it already IS for reproduction.

And you, the lil luciferian rebel, "don't care". You want your "freedom" to ignore reality. OK! You're allowed to ignore reality if you want to; but remember that you will not be able to avoid the consequences of ignoring reality. Your lands are being depopulated, and your main concern is "how can I be more libertarded than the next guy and show my support for the less-than-1% of freaks out there, as if they were the normal ones and straight man-woman pairings were oppressive, backwards, and outdated". Naturally this is a position of deep-rooted sexual helplessness and maliciously inverted values, which probably infected you through the education system & TV. To your great credit, you certainly did not come up with what you believe by yourself.

So I would put it to you that someone like you, for now a docile prisoner of the unexamined life and unexamined belief system, has no business telling a man like myself anything about rationality. Rationality, especially the kind that goes against the grain of the "zeitgeist" is only for the strong and for the truly free.

Religion is just stories for children.

Oh, but science is also not on your side...