so happy that someone is truly aware about this issue. Homosexuality has always been around but in extremely low percentage because it was socially abnormal. The zionists/ luceferians/ secret societies saw an opportunity to degrade society they pushed and propagandized this issue and conditioned people to CHOOSE this way of expressing sexuality. Mind you the social pressure and the encouragement to choose homosexuality are ever so present. Particularly with the stuff they are teaching kids in school now. Now a days it's almost uncool to be hetero, they are making it so appealing to be different and to be hateful towards heterosexual people. So sad that heteros will be the minority in the near future.
AND NO THERE IS NO GAY GENE, proving that homosexuality is part of social conditioning.
PLaw Makers in Canada just decriminalized bestiality. Eventually they will decriminalize pedophilia. they are already priming society for it with this kind of predictive programming: