What's the real takeaway from the Rudy Giuliani / Borat stunt?

in sexual •  4 years ago 


So, I'm going to take a break from fretting about business in the pandemic to talk about another issue facing the world.

A lot of people in my opinion are taking the wrong takeaway from this stunt - including Rudy himself. "I wasn't fooled for a second" says the elderly fixer for the President, caught on camera on the bed of a 24 year old actress pretending to be Borat's fifteen year old daughter.

On the bed. In a hotel room. Of a woman he previously did not know. Who was posing as a conservative journalist.

You may remember the Steele Dossier from a lifetime ago. You still think it is fake? You still don't think kompromat doesn't exist on Trump or Johnson or anyone else? That they wouldn't be stupid enough to have sex in a hotel room with a woman they did not know, that they had not previously met, in a room bugged with cameras and recording equipment.

"I wasn't fooled for a second" says the elderly fixer for the President, who woke up that morning imagining he was Rob Lowe to Trump's Bartlett in a proto-fascist version of the West Wing, and ended up channelling Rob Askwith from Confessions of a Window Cleaner.

I get it. the rich and powerful just imagine life as a smorgasbord of attractive women lining up to fuck them. It's why they didn't see Epstein or Weinstein. This to them is normal.

Johnson flies to a sex party in the Italian castle of his mate Lebedev without his security detail? Normal. They are rich and powerful, and bourgeoisie morality is for lesser people. You and I both know Prince Andrew did those things, regardless of how many times he tells us his sweat glands were shot off by Argies.

Like Guiliani and Trump and Johnson and Windsor, Robin Askwith's endless hound dogging gets him into a variety of comic scrapes across four Confessions movies and one extremely tawdry decade of shit. Here's hoping our own decade of shit is going to come crashing down on their collective houses.

Here's the other thing the corrupt and venal like to say: "You'd do the same if you were in my situation".

So like, if I was being interviewed by a young conservative reporter and she came on to me I'd what? Like, if I was cleaning windows I'd service randy housewives and hide in their closets when their cuckolded husbands came home? No wonder Putin and Epstein had all these people in their pockets - they couldn't keep it in their fucking trousers.

For the rest of us? We can survive the risk of Kompromat and #metoo with one simple rule of thumb. What Would Robin Askwith Do - and do the fucking opposite.

"Don't be fooled for a second" by their denials. "Don't be fooled for a second" by their excuses. "Don't be fooled for a second" by their self righteous indignation. And vote those fuckers, their fucking enablers, their fucking Kompromat holding masters and their whole fucking degenerate Porky'socracy out of office. Lets have some fucking self respect and some fucking respect for others, particular those we are fucking.

And lets bury this fucking decade back where in belongs in the Seventies.

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