What Women can do, that Sex Dolls Cant

in sexuality •  7 years ago 

So, I saw this video the other day.. And this guy was talking about giving his friend shit about wanting to get a sex doll, and he goes on to say after he saw the doll... he changed his mind, and thought he'd like to have one too.

The argument seems to be, they don't nag or complain, you don't have to listen to them talk, and so on.

I've seen women respond that the doll doesn't cook or clean...

Shit. If that really was all we're good for...

What everyone has forgotten...women included!... is that sex is medicine.

Sex with a woman who feels seen, heard, and appreciated.... has the potential to be both healing and enlightening.

Men may not fully understand what it is about the poonannie that makes them willing to have sex with an inanimate object. If they did, they'd know that what they're trying to get, on a soul level, through sex... cannot be gotten from a sex doll.

Your body tells you what you need by giving you cravings. It's more than lust. It's a deeper longing, for the healing sex can bring.

Body, Mind, and Spirit.

However, if a woman doesn't feel seen and heard, if she doesn't feel appreciated.... It doesn't feel right to share such a precious gift, no matter how badly every cell of his body needs it.

I've been in a couple long term relationships, and I've known this to be a pretty common thing among other women too.

Do you see how we are getting in our own way? We feel hurt and we close ourselves off to the very thing that can heal that pain. Connection. Intimacy. Sharing. Love.

Take what you want from this, but this realization has been a real eye opener for me.

The men of this world are missing something they don't even fully understand, because that knowledge has been buried under years of stigma, taboo, and shame. Sacred Sexual Healing.

And women have locked this magic away within themselves, letting it burn there until someone has the balls to unlock it.

Would love to hear from you ladies and gentlemen.

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