an informative open to sexual alchemy

in sexuality •  7 years ago 


  • All acts of creation are sexual.
  • All sacred knowledge and thought systems contain concepts of male and female aspects joined in this creative dance know as sex or intercourse or whatever you please call it.
  • Every major religion and philosophy has a mystical aspect devoted to understanding and exploring the deeper concepts behind sacred sexuality and the integration of its energy versus force in our lives.

The hierarchy of Religion and Government hold this knowledge only to the few "worthy".

it goes like this

The Sex Priest and Priestess of ancient times, from the Egyptian order of the Isis linage who engaged in sacred sex were signified by wearing a snake amulet. During intercourse they would ‘hold’ the orgasm, preventing the release of the seed and instead allow the ecstasy of the energetic bliss from within thrust upward. This elevated the internal rise of energy or ‘weaving’ the threads of life and love crossing one another – better known as the Kundalini or the serpent. By way of the Kundalini or the serpent, alchemical fires of transmutation grounds them entirely which allows for the spirit to live more fully in the body. Up until that point, the fires of transmutation lay dormant at the base of the spine yearning for this time of cosmic union. This radiant power ignites each individual chakra (wheels of light) until it reaches the pituitary or pineal gland in the middle of the brain where it shoots out a spark of light, creating a halo over the head. This indicates illumination of the brain, awakening of the higher mind and connection with the God and Goddess. This is why Jesus was painted with a halo signifying illumination and why Mary Magdalena was anointed by the church as a whore. Yet what relevance and implications does it have for us today?


What is transmutation first of all ?
"the changing, or transferring of one element, or form of energy, into another."

So what, exactly, are we changing or transferring in this context?

The energy of desire.

Like it or not, this world is all about desire. Desire for riches and abundance. Desire for peace. Desire for health. Desire for the perfect mate. And, yes, the desire for sex, which is our most powerful desire.

The desire or urge for sexual expression is natural and inborn and it should not be suppressed or eliminated. Instead, it should be given an additional beneficial outlet.

Sex transmutation is re-directing the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of another creative effort.

Napoleon Hill states in his book "Think and Grow Rich"

“When [sexual desire is] harnessed and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc. which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.”

  • practices in tantric yoga can help stimulate this mental awareness of desire and help control and focus it.


It is common understanding that over-indulgence in drink and drugs lead to a life ruined, but it is uncommon for people to understand that over-indulgence in sex and sexual acts can lead to the same thing.

Let that sexual energy build up inside you.

Don't dissipate that energy haphazardly because that energy is sensed by other people and draws them into you like a magnet.

ways to dissipate sexual energy

  • masterbation
  • any intercourse or interaction which leads to orgasm and release of the sexual fluids.
    • you'll know when you have lost your sexual energy for it will feel divine.

ways to contain and control the sexual energy

  • restraining from the desire to masterbate
  • restraining from the desire to have sex and orgasm/ejaculate/release sexual energy
  • practicing tantric yoga
  • practicing tantric meditations
  • vibration friendly diets

Being highly charged in sexual energy and not giving in to any desires is the key to success.

It is also the key to strong will and strong magnetism in personality and existence.

a sexualy charged man or woman walks into a room and is felt by everyone.

  • a man highly charged in this sexual energy is alpha to other men, he is charismatic without needing force, he is more attractive to females (through hormonal and vibrational encounters).

  • a woman highly highly charged in this sexual energy is attractive, powerful, and unstopable.

"No man can avail himself of the forces of his creative imagination, while dissipating them.” – Napoleon Hill

What this all means

Every human holds the potential to be the best version of themselves. Will full in spirit, powerful in action, charismatic in approach.

A mass majority of us are releasing our sexual energy for stress relief, loneliness, boredom, high. We can be using this energy for so much more than another drug. it can take our reality into other dimensions of success happiness and fulfillment.

Through sexual transmutation and restraint from desire. our bottled up sexual energy can be repurposed into power and success.

hat tip

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