SGL Week 24 Winners Announcement!

in sgl •  5 years ago 

SGL has almost been going half a year! I can hardly believe it, feels like only yesterday @isaria, @ausbitbank and I (@krystle) got together to discuss what we could create for musicians on Steem - after several months of work we built a pretty awesome team and the SGL family was born.

We might try and do something special for week 26 to celebrate the official half year mark, hopefully more details to come soon!

Without further delays, here are our winners for week 24 of SGL!

First Place:

@montycashmusic - Sonic Groove Live Week 24 - Original Song - The Big Bad Wolf

First Place Wins:

  • 5000 Sonic Groove delegation for 4 weeks!
  • 100 Steem
  • 100 Creative Coin
  • 200 Sonic Groove
  • 30 HLPE token
  • Winning post will be featured in SGL's weekly winner's announcement post.
  • Winning post promoted on
  • Winning post resteemed by SGL account to sit as the top post for at least 3 days
  • Winning post will be tweeted by the SGL twitter account and pinned for 3 days
  • Winning post will receive a 100% upvote from the Helpie account


"Your voice fits this style perfectly. I love how your performance is laid back ... yet intense ... very cool!"


"Gotta say...your funky, rhythmic syncopation is pretty rad. Works well with your gritty, jazzy vocals. No worries about your 'visage' – I'd say your I-just-woke-up look quite suits the mood of your song. I find your somewhat messy edges rather endearing."


"Firstly I have to mention that I happened upon you leaving positive comments on other entrants posts, but not only their posts... pretty sure I saw you leaving comments on youtube as well - I just couldn't let it go without saying a massive thank you for supporting our amazing community, this is what SGL is all about bringing musicians together to support each other!

Now as for the music I was completely captivated by your entry this week, it was so unique in it's structure and delivery - it was impossible not to be hooked from the instant you started, better yet it held me throughout I was never quiet sure where it would go next.

There is just so much to unpack with a performance and composition like this, I may jump all over the place with this - but for me one of the paramount features of your composition would be the interesting use of "boing boing boing" and "dangle dangle dangle" this was freakin brilliant, it created such an amazing feel to the song worked so bloody well and I honestly don't think I've heard that used before (over say the ohh's and ahh's that tend to flood mainstream music).

I would also like to try and list just a few of the interesting and creative vocal techniques being used throughout this performance, in the very first sentence you use vocal slide with breaks, you have a staccato vocal style with an almost reggae feel, there's some vocal growl or fry, your use of breath for effect, there's what I like to call a vocal roll, not to mention that stunning juxtaposition of low to stunning high's.

You have created a really amazing song here, with a lot variety and complexity weaved throughout - I could go on about the lyrics for some time, there's a lot to break down there.

But for now I will mention a few favourite lyrics, "I do pieces on climate change, Yet I claim my work is not political", "In the depths of the well, ropes are hanging there I see your true selves, hiding in the blue", I am a massive fan of songs that make you think and that can be interpreted differently by individuals - you have done so well with the lyrics alone it's hard to narrow it down.

Your playing is impeccable and nothing seemed out of place, so if you did make some improvisations it wasn't clear from the viewers perspective - that is the tell tale of a great performer, when they know they've made a mistake or changed something from rehearsal that just seems to work and flow naturally.

I was absolutely blown away by this performance, I am fast becoming a fan of your work - I just love hearing this and wish I knew it well enough to sing along with you, another marker for a fantastic song.

All round a brilliant composition, love the melody the temp and style uses - there is just so much jammed into this song, yet nothing feels misplaced or overdone. Just a fantastic performance and I cannot wait to hear and see more!"

Second Place:

@danaidhbee - Sonic Groove Live Week 24 - Stay Here - A Danaidhbee Original

Second Place Wins:

  • 50 Creative Coin
  • 100 Sonic Groove
  • 20 HLPE token
  • Winning post will be featured in SGL's weekly winner's announcement post
  • Winning post promoted on
  • Winning post resteemed by SGL to sit at second post place for at least 3 days
  • Winning post will be tweeted by the SGL twitter account


"A++ for so bravely sharing such a new composition. I love that fresh energy of a brand new song, when you're still so much in it – still emotionally connected to the process of writing, and your muse; whomever it is you're crooning to. I hope they want to stay with you, too. <3"


"The music just captivated me, you make that guitar sing my friend and I just couldn't get enough of it - what an amazing composition and performance.

The intro on guitar was just stunning and only got better with time, you create such in immense and full sound with the guitar alone - it really is an incredible skill and then you add those stunning vocals and you really just take things to a whole other level.

I am always drawn to the vocals above all else and in this case you didn't let me down, you have such a clear tone with a beautiful warmth to it - then those stunning held notes just really took it away, I was again wanting to sing along with you.

Simple but powerful lyrics really bring the whole piece together and I love how the held vocal notes really highlight and feature well with the guitar, it creates this amazing addition to the music with your voice alone - it almost act's like an additional instrument, when most vocals layer on top of as an extra layer but separate from the tune.

It all comes together so perfectly, I just really adored every damned second of that performance and really can't wait to see and hear more soon!"

Third Place:

@lorenzopistolesi - Sonic Groove Live week 24 - La meccanica del cuore - The mechanics of the heart #Go2DTubeForum

Third Place Wins:

  • 50 Creative Coin
  • 75 Sonic Groove
  • 10 HLPE token
  • Winning post will be featured in SGL's weekly winner's announcement post
  • Winning post promoted on
  • Winning post resteemed by SGL to sit at third post place for at least 3 days
  • Winning post will be tweeted by the SGL twitter account


"This was a fun and excellent performance! I love your strumming technique and the kazoo was awesome!"


"Beginning with the clean and crisp guitar, coupled with the understated vocals in a lower tone created a really unique and interesting feel to this song - then you just took things to a whole other level when you pumped up those vocals.

I was really intrigued with the overall tone and feel of this composition, but I was completely thrown when you brought in the Kazoo just so unexpected - I also have to say this has to be one of the most unique uses of a Kazoo I have ever seen, most people I have seen are using them for comic purposes but this just legit worked and what's more it worked well!

I really couldn't help but bop along as you continued playing, there was an infectious energy with this composition and I really enjoyed every single moment - I love the contrasting sounds and tones and delivery methods used throughout.

All around an amazing composition and performance, a massive welcome to SGL I know we all can't wait to see and hear more from you in the future!"

Communities Choice:

Nobody promoted any entries this week.


There you have it lovely people, another amazing week of entries - some truly brilliant original compositions and some new faces joined the SGL family! A massive thanks to all those who entered and those who just stopped by for the show, please be sure to go and check out all our amazing artists and show them some love - trust me it's well deserved!

Please remember submissions open Thursday 1 am CST / Thursday 6 am UTC and will close at Saturday 1 am CST / Saturday 6 am UTC, remember you can record in advance and schedule your post's to be sure you submit within the open window.

Please check out our amazing artists that performed this week and show them some love <3


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Thanks so much @isaria and @krystle for your kind words and for this opportunity. I'm so glad you've got @sonicgroovelive going, it's a grand initiative to draw out Steemit's talent and it creates a positive atmosphere of friendly competition.

I'll sit the next week out and watch the next generation of masterpieces unfold!

Also thanks to @ausbitbank for being the main sponsor and continuing to believe in Steem!

All the best,

Where does this Top 20 Witness stand on Tron possession of Steemit Inc.?

This isn't really the place for this debate, see my account for that or reach out for a chat via the msp discord. I'm cautiously optimistic, but prepared to do whatever is needed to keep the Steem blockchain secure.