in sgtreport •  2 years ago 

Dr. Vliet, Dr. Medenhall and attorney Todd Callender offer specific legal strategies to combat the return of mask and experimental vaccine medical tyranny in this must hear legal symposium courtesy of Truth For Health.

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Sweet. I saw Max Igan give a legal out for masks. He said it violates anti discrimination laws and that it's similar to telling someone they can't eat here or they can't enter your store because they're black. Something like that. Punishable with up to 5 years imprisonment. He's used it on people and he basically got to the point with one fella, that he had the legal case with someone on the phone. He was asked how he wants to procede, like if he wants to sue this man that owns a store he has frequented until the man demanded him to put the mask on. He was asked if he wants to sue the man because he had legal recourse to and Max just said "No I'm not gonna bloody sue him but I'd like an apology. At least an apology from the guy"