RE: Daily ShadowBot Stats - 05 November, 2018

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Daily ShadowBot Stats - 05 November, 2018

in shadowbot •  6 years ago 

why did outgoing votes stop on account?

isnt rank effected when votes are not taken

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If you change your keys then you will need to add your new posting key into the system. Shadow Ranks work on a moving average over time based on many factors and do not adjust daily (yet).

i didn't change my keys and what i was referring to was previously shadowbot ranks were changed weekly adjusting automatically at the end of the week

We ended that process our last upgrade about 8 months ago, we are moving toward a real time adjustment based on behavior and feedback. Anything you feel is not right you can outline in a support ticket and our team can look into it all for you!

ok i must have missed that post,c an you link please as i was considering investing but if their are previous changes or upcoming changes that would effect ROI i need to know

Also Sundays are Minnow Booster Day which effects all voters in order to help the smallest of our community earn each week! We dedicated Sundays to them to show our support for all Steemians, not just the big whales or dolphins in the system!

i understand,

my question was,

Why weren't votes Coming out from my account not in

We had a small hiccup in our node that resulted in us having to reindex everything, some votes were going out properly on our backup and the public nodes but they are too slow to handle the full volume we have. Things should be fully back online now!