Ludwig von Straussner : The Quest to Know More

in shc •  7 years ago 

While few have heard about Straussner, those who have tend to have little to say. They have their reasons I suppose but one would think that after so many years....indeed generations..... passions might have cooled....minds might have opened up a bit.

Of course we do not know for sure the cause of death of Gauss in 1855. The report of "SHC" (spontaneous human combustion) is as far as I can determine , totally unsupported by the known facts. There are some fragmentary reports suggesting that Ludwig von Straussner in Hannover was at the time working on a primitive prototype of what we might call today a "microwave". There is no hard evidence that links this work with anything. Indeed, as is the case of much of Straussner's work, it has been totally forgotten. The historical record yields very little on Straussner and there seems to have been a reluctance to utter his name in polite company. Straussner's tombstone epitaph as " The Man Who Killed Gauss" remains an enigma of course and no good student of history should fail to follow up this lead.

It is my intent to explore the relationship between these two men: one an acknowledged intellectual giant, the other a man whose memory has (some would say deservedly) fallen into obscurity. However, in my view there is no doubt that Straussner was a visionary. Of course it must be admitted that so far at least, much of his work and legacy remains unrealised. I believe that this is the result of a systematic effort to suppress all things Straussnerian.

There is one issue that must be addressed, indeed dismissed at the outset. Contrary to widespread belief a rigourous review of alien activity during the period in question makes it very unlikely that there was any significant communication between extra-terrestrials and Straussner , at least during his lifetime on this earth. (Hortop et al. personal communication). Admittedly it is likely that Gauss had considerable contact with space aliens ....both before and after his unfortunate and (as yet) unexplained demise.

It is my intent to explore these questions and issues. I am prepared for a lonely journey if necessary but my hope is that I will receive encouragement and help from you, dear reader. My blogs on the subject will be unscheduled, irregular, unannounced, non-chronological, possibly cryptic occasionally obscure . Something tells me that Straussner would approve.

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