Mass shootings and "freedom"

in shooting •  7 years ago 

When I hear the news about mass shootings in USA in schools or companies in the last years, i am not very surprised. In the last 50 years more than 1,5 million people where killed by firearm related situations. More people have died from guns in the USA than on battlefields of all the wars in American history.... (see downside the illustration from NYT - surely no fake media!)

source: NewYorkTimes

But how is this possible? There are so many restrictive laws in the USA related on illegal drugs (THC!) or road traffic regulations which restrict the freedom and rights of the citizens.

On the other side, people with mental illness could buy and own firearms. The historic gun politics coming from hunting and rural enviroment reasons is overcome.

Many contries have learned their mass shooting lectures, like Australia. After a massacre with 35 killed persons in 1996 the laws about firearms where highly limited in Australia and since this time NO! more mass shootings occured. The firearmed death go down to 1 Person of 100000. This is a fifth of the numbers in USA. There are more examples all over the world.

source: Der Standard
On a sunday afternoon Martin Bryant kills 35 People in a coffee house in Port Arthur he gets 35 times lifelong for his crime....

The protests of the students after the massacre in Parkland are a hopeful sign to change this very "outdated" thinking of personal freedom.
And the argument from Predident Trump, to arm teachers is ridicolous as so many bubbles he produce.....
And the NRA reactions are very amusing for me from the "communistic Europe...hahaha" if the reason would not be so serious.....

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Ich habe heute Nacht, als ich mal wieder zwischendrin wach war, die vollständige Rede von Emma Gonzalez gesucht und gefunden. Ich bin völlig begeistert von der Bewegung, die sich da gerade aufbaut, und sehr gespannt, ob sich etwas ändert.

Ja, die Hoffnung lebt. Ich habe den Artikel aber deshalb verfasst, weil ich einen Kommentar zu einem steemit blogger mit ähnlichen Argumenten verfasst hatte (der über die Wichtigkeit von Freiheitswerten schrieb), er mir aber voll mit Staatsverweigerer und NRA Argumenten geantwortet hat... hat sich sehr engstirnig angefühlt.

Dann hast Du meinen Respekt, Dich auf die Diskussion eingelassen zu haben. Ich finde bei sowas meist kein Ende und rege mich noch viel später danach auf.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your information is inaccurate, or willfully displaying nescience.
Firearms save more lives in the hands of a defender, than they kill in the hands of murderers.
Here's some history for you to consider;

One should be adept of a subject, before giving out information about it.
As a competent authority in all aspects of firearms, the NRA is most qualified to be researched for information concerning firearm history, safety, laws, etc.
Use them to distribute firearm information with total confidence.
I can only imagine where the misinformation above was gleaned from.

Fake news are a big problem and your "information" is one of this......
Sorry but you are on another planet of thinking....