Do Seagulls Eat Fish?

in short-stories •  9 years ago  (edited)

This is what I wanna know.
The seagulls, the little damn rascals that try to attack me from time to time and shit on my leg...they all line up at the edge of the beach. They are mostly white with gray feathers and some are big and all gray. I have a feeling they might be rapists, but some I assume, are good seagulls.

Besides the fact that I think some of these Bronx birds have a very aggressive nature especially if they think you are eating a sandwich. As I outlined in this article here: I thought I was going to be attacked by A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS at the beach today

I say this only because of the behavior of some of these birds. They are ruining the reputation of some of these other birds who are standing there staring at the water.

Now, I have spent a lot of hours on this beach in The Bronx, Orchard Beach. I have watched these seagulls staring at the water while nothing happens and they stand there and do nothing but stare. I have never seen a fish jump out of the water and never seen a bird dive into the water for a fish...I have no idea why they are standing there at attention like that.

But, like all of us in The Bronx, we have a sweet sensitive side, too.

Much love to the seagulls.

Word to your mother.

Video of seagull eating a fish:

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Mean f**kers! They'll eat a dolphin if they can get away with it ! Lol

You gotta be careful around those F-rs...

Thank you for the article. Everything is painted in detail!

Thanks :)

that can be your alt rock band name Bronx Gulls xo

LOL :)

Birds will be birds. But gulls are not the only birds foraging around in the Bronx. If your around the the Orchard Beach area, keep an eye out for the closest thing to an eagle you can find in these parts, the Osprey. The still photos found here are all from the Orchard Beach area:

That's where I was contemplating these seagulls...Orchard Beach :) I live in Manhattan now so I don't go their as much as when I lived in The Bronx but I'm sure I will again. The next time I'm on the trails there I will keep an eye out!

Perhaps you've explored the nature trails around Hunter Island (sadly, not recommended as a solo enterprise). There are many salt water coastal species not found in other NYC Parks. Happy hunting.