It has been a great couple of days for me. Busy,busy,busy.

in showandtell •  7 years ago  (edited)


A lovely day aka "me" time

I rarely see my friends, my entire social life takes place on Steemit and Discord. However, on Thursday, I met up with my oldest friend (20 years of friendship and she still loves me), we only see each other a couple times a year. We had lunch, did some thrift shopping, went to some other stores, and enjoyed visiting.

" a friend is someone who knows everything about you, but likes you anyways" ~ unknown

Lunch at La Senoritas was excellent.


I found a couple treasures:

this pillow is fantastic, or maybe I'm just easily amused

coffee decor....because...reasons

Fun with my kids

Friday and Saturday have been filled with activities for the kids and a ton of driving. We went roller skating yesterday and swimming today. It was busybusybusy and a great time. I think tomorrow we will stay in and do nothing. In ten years, when all my kids are grown, I assure you I will miss the chaos. Nowadays, I just wonder out loud if there is coffee involved.

Come visit us in Whaleshares Discord:


I'd love to meet you :)

Thanks for reading! I hope you had a lovely week as well!

Much love always-


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Friends make the world beautiful!

Busy with friends is the best kind of busy =)

the food looks delicious

The diner looks lovely!

Are that sharks on the pillow? :P

Its a sequined rather enjoying it...I need like 5 more