Are We Computers?

in shower-thoughts •  8 years ago 

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We are all aware of computers. You probably first saw one when you were still a child and were instantly marvelled at the things it can do and the things you can do with it. Since then computers have come a long way and the advancements happen everyday.

The concept of a computer basically boils down to two parts. There’s the hardware and there is software. Let me take an example of a laptop. In a laptop, whatever you can see like the screen, keyboard, the metal body and all the chips and battery inside constitute the hardware.

And then there is the software part that you cannot see. All the softwares are located inside the hard disk and are stored electronically which can be either system software (like Mac or Windows) or other application softwares (like Photoshop, Music Player). 

The hardware and software come together to form a computer. Without the hardware, software can’t exist and without a software, all that would be left is a bunch of plastic and metal and silicon. 

Are We Computers Too?

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As I was in the shower, an odd thought crossed my mind. Surprising how often it happens in the shower, isn’t it? Anyways, I suddenly realised that we have a lot in common with computers. And by we, I mean us humans. 

We work in a pretty similar way to a computer. We take in information, we process it and then we give an output of some kind. Computers and humans do the processing differently but the act of processing still happens. 

But that’s not the “odd thought” I was talking about. Well actually it was more of a question. If we are like computers, and if our bodies and brains form the hardware part of it, what is the software? What’s the programming and who is the programmer?

I mean, our bodies are made up of non-living elements like oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium and others. Yes, we have different parts performing different functions but at the smallest levels it is these elements that are interacting with each other and making sure we are alive, but who is telling them what to do….or rather what.

What Is Our Software?

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You could say that well, the brain tells everything what to do and that is correct but how does the brain is like the CPU of the human body just like a computer has a microprocessor. It’s the hardware part of us. What’s the software that guides our brain to do all that it does?

Well, in trying to answer this question, my thoughts wandered off to the various explanations that we have. 

If we take the religious route, the answer is soul. We are all aware of the concept of soul which leaves our bodies upon our death. So, it is probable that it could be the ‘software’ to our hardware and when it leaves, our bodies become meaningless. I mean, if we are someday capable of building an exact replica of the human body, would it come to life? At what point in the build process does it come to life anyway?

Consciousness, I thought was another explanation of the software. Nobody knows where our consciousness resides on our bodies. We are certain that it’s not a physical aspect of our body (obviously), so, this might be the software part that runs everything in our bodies effortlessly. 

What if both things were the one and the same and we just call the same ‘software’ by different names. Whatever it is, I am convinced that there is some form of non-physical element to our existence which we haven’t been able to explain yet. Promising researches are being conducted and many experts and scientists in this field expect a breakthrough ‘soon’ but who’s to say for sure. 

What do you think? Will we ever discover what keeps us and other living organisms on the planet ticking?

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I think if Elon Musk personally believes this, it could be possible indeed.
It sounds a lot like The Matrix, that's because it is. The 'simulation hypothesis', supported by Elon Musk,argues that what we experience as reality is actually a huge computer simulation created by a more erudite intelligence. This blows my mind and lets me feel even more smaller in proportion to the whole.

According to his theory, everything is software. Even the hardware that we can touch and feel is just 1s and 0s in a higher beings hard disk. I wonder what will happen the day this is proven. The world will either end or transcend.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

"We are certain that it’s [consciousness] not a physical aspect of our body (obviously), so, this might be the software part that runs everything in our bodies effortlessly."

I am not certain though. :)
For example if artificial intelligence will be equal to ours or even surpass us, would you also be sure then that there is something not physical which makes it think - and yes - have a kind of consciousness? Are wandering electrons and ions in our brain (or the processor of a computer) nothing physical? Would you also call software 'not physical'?
We also have kind of a 'program' that lets us grow: the genes and their regulation (of course combined with environmental influences). But yes, these genes exist in a physical way.
Maybe there is kind of a "big programmer", the "great physician" (some of us would call it "god"). I cannot know if someone has initiated the beginning of the universe and development of living creatures intentionally for some purpose. Maybe it was a great but very lazy programmer and therefore he chose conditions where by evolution new computers (organisms) would create themselves automatically. :)
Will we discover who "it" was? Will Microsoft Windows one day know who Bill Gates was? ;-)
I cannot answer to your questions but they are very interesting and obviously stimulated my mind ... maybe once I will write an article about that too.

I like the way you think. You've given me more to think about. Glad you found my post stimulating. Will be looking forward to any post you do regarding this ... Thank you :)

We do process a lot of information at the same time. So, that definition, I guess you can say we are

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Seems like my memory isn't very well, I always forget something.
And one more question, why still need two different computer to create a new one? Why couldnt we copy ourselves?

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

This is really interesting and insane to think about , in a world of so many possibilities , Wouldn't be as surprising if it could be confirmed !!!

I am sure that one day we will get there. Maybe 100 years....maybe 500...but we will get there.

Good Article. We have a WINNER
Thank you

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

There is a large proportion of the probability that we will know it then when the time comes. But of course it is worth considering today. Maybe it can help in any discoveries, and daily activities. Thank you . Good thoughts !

Thank you for reading :)

If only someone would come up with a hack to fix this memory leak we call aging before we crash...

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Upvoted and resteemed:-)

Thank you :)

This is incredibly interesting, and makes me wonder whether or not we'll ever reach a point where we crack the code and can upload our consciousness to a kind of "cloud" to essentially live forever - or at least until the server dies.
Consider this post added to our agenda for the podcast this weekend, time permitting. ;-)

I think such transcendence is quite possible. We are certainly on the path where we will ultimately merge with the very machines we create and once that happens, a cloud consciousness would just be a matter of "programming".

Thanks for reading :) Will be sure to check out the podcast :D

Muy interesante saber sobre este tema me gustaria saber mucho mas

Thank you for reading :)

We can't computers but we are capable of human computation. We are humans and we can compute.

Yeah, the comparison was more or a philosophical thing.

And so was my answer. A universe could be seen as a computer and philosophically speaking you cannot say humans are separate from the rest of the universal computer. The universe is also finite so the Turing machine is not a good example but a finite state machine might be a better concept for thinking about the universe.


are we individual computers or as other suggests part of giant computer program?
Nay, I don't think so.
Computers work electro-mechanical, our brains work electro-chemical. Our thoughts and memories work quite different than a computer hard-drive. We actually don't store but recreate a memory every time we think about it by allowing certain synapses to shoot simultaniously and in sequences. Our brain system is a million times more complex than any computer processor, even though we cannot calculate as fast as computer programs.
And that's why I believe we will never create conscious computers or robots.

Good points. Thanks for reading :)

Question is, "are computers human" ;)

Not right now anyways ;)

Yes, computers are humans because humans are computers ;)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment