Scientific studies prove the benefits of "siesta"

in siesta •  7 years ago 

A new study by Allegheny College in Pennsyliania , USA , found that students who slept for a period of no more than an hour had less blood pressure problems than those who did not To calm the psycholigical pressure.
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Researchers at the University of Saarland , Germany , conducted a new study that confirmed that cholera had a memory effect . The researchers tooks a sample of young people and gave them 90 words or phrases and 120 odd double words . Then they gave half of those . who were subjected to the experiment a nap of 45 minutes and an hour .the other half were asked to watch the same time as young people who had taken a nap .They found that the young people who had taken a nap remembered the sentences I read about five times more Watch the tV. The researchers concluded that siesta has a significant positive effect on memory , as contributes to its strengthening , and thus is a protective shield in front of Alzheimer's.
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A new American experience has shown that siesta also helps kill pain . Dr . Stephanie Romiszewski , a sleep physicist and director of the Sleepyhead clinic in the UK's Exeter region , also says that between 2 pm and 4 pm is a good thme to sleep , and is considered a recharge time for human body batteries , during which the human to restore activity to his body and maintain the health of his body.
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