Renaissance Magick
1 Command Experiment 2 Bring about Renaissance in 3 all Forms
Astrological Intelligence
Talisman Construction
Colors Shapes and Sizes Matter
Virgin Paper
Spirit Magick
Stones, Crystals, Metals, PLANTS (power and electric 1’s, edible won’s, and poisonous owns)
Method Evocation
Tools and Instruments
Form your Ghost Slave and Master Combo Reveal?
Damian Questiny of the Elemental Hypertech School is a self-educated entrepreneurial explorer and adventurer, which provides business and awareness organization, education, techniques and guidance services for the achievement of optimal health and wealth for any individual or self-organizing collective. Damian has developed a unique program called Elemental Hypertech, which utilizes several disciplines in a harmonious and synergistic system. Elemental Hypertech is designed to structure life experiences and perspectives into a highly tuned, refined, and defined practice for efficient memory recall and clear effective implementation of goals and intention. In addition, Elemental Hypertech offers the implementation of body encryption combinations for recognizing aspects and relationships to allow for temporal protection and non-corruption of experiences, ideas and memory.
$50 an hour for Blockchain, Crypto, Business Structuring, or Hypertech Services.
#elementalhypertech #hypertech
Thank you for your interest on the topic, contact me if curious to learn more.
Compassion + Evidence + Trust + Integrity