in signup •  6 years ago  (edited)

Warning to all new STEEM account creators:


If you want an instant sign-up, use Blocktrades.

I went through the anonsteem process on Sunday (August 26). Paid my fee in LTC. Once my payment went through, the website showed me my Steem username and keys.

When I tried to sign into Steem, it says username not found. I copied the username from anonsteem and pasted it just to confirm it's correct, same issue.

I didn't have a STEEM Account after paying the anonsteem fee and getting instructions from anonsteem to sign into my "new" account. I used the official link from the steemit website linking to anonsteem.

I tried contacting the developer using the email on the website. It's been 5 days since I sent the first one. 3 emails later and still no response.

I signed up with Blocktrades and next thing I knew, I had a STEEM account.

Blocktrades is really easy to use, and you don't need an account to use.

Has this happened to anyone else?

UPDATE: AnonSteem refunded me my fee

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