Pentjak Silat Sword work

in silat •  8 years ago 

SILAT in my humble opinion is one of the worlds most deadliest and effecient Martial arts. The Sword play you see here is a combination of understanding from Dutch Indonesian style Pukulan Pentjak Silat Serak de Thouars which is mainly influenced by Javanese styles, Kuntao chinese Internal Martial arts and Spaniard and Dutch Fencing and Dutch Bare Knuckle Boxing. The other influence you see is from a Sumatran Style of Silat called Harimau Minangkabau.
Please enjoy :)

Santiago Dobles

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Impressive. My preferred martial art is throwing sand in my opponent's eyes and running away. It is the only class I could afford.

Lol at the beginning was thinking your serious but after reading the sentence to the end I love it. You give me smile.

Train anything you can its always a good thing.

Thank you very much :)

Thank you