The Eyes Have It

in silliness •  6 years ago 


I have a very temporary solution to the fact that as I'm ageing my optical prescription is changing. My distance glasses are just a bit too strong but also don't correct for my near-sightedness. I'm getting some new ones. Turns out that while waiting for new lenses to be made up a pair of lightweight +1.5 reading glasses on top of the old ones works just fine and is comfortable to boot!

I wouldn't try to use any machinery other than a desktop computer while wearing them and it's not an all day thing but I can see the screen well from a couple of feet away and it's worth it just to see my wife do a double-take when she walks in.

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Hehe, lovely! I was amazed the difference it made when I got a pair of prescription reading glasses (also for computer work). Suddenly, reading became a pleasure again. Now my optician is trying to dazzle me with the latest technology in varifocals.

I've tried having a weaker prescription in one eye for my contact lenses so I just shut one eye for reading, but it's annoying and I don't fancy all the head-angle training that I've heard goes into varifocals. I think I'm going to keep it simple for a while :)

But I know that feeling of suddenly being able to see properly again!