Massage your scalp on a regular basis
Massaging your hair with warm oil on a regular basis will not only help relieve stress, it also improves blood circulation, and this, in turn, will stimulate your hair follicles. Furthermore, it can help you get rid of problems like dandruff and scalp infection. Amongst the best oils that you can use for the purpose are coconut oil, sesame oil, and almond oil. To get the best results simply mix equal amounts of almond and coconut oil, warm them in a double boiler and then massage your scalp with it.
Have more vitamins
Vitamins are as good for your hair as is for your entire system. Vitamin E is known to help improve circulation, vitamin C helps absorb iron, a mineral required for hair growth, and vitamin D is known to create new follicles. You should also not neglect zinc as it plays an important role in hair tissue repair and growth.
Eggs can help to Control Hair Fall
Eggs are rich in protein and this will help keep your hair strong and thick. You simply need to whisk some eggs to make a paste and apply it all over your hair, giving special attention to your scalp. Let it stay for about 15-20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water. Your hair will get its much-needed share of protein and this will result in healthier shine and volume.
Be careful when in the shower
Avoid using water that is too cold or too hot as that can disturb the delicate pH balance of your scalp and prevent the growth of new hair follicles, while also damaging the existing ones. Also, you must rinse your hair very well before applying shampoo. This makes the process of applying shampoo easier and a lot more effective. Allow the shampoo to stay for 5 minutes before rinsing as that gives your hair follicles the chance to absorb the nutrients. After washing off do not use a bath towel to dry your hair completely, instead, just dab the excess water out.
Use natural remedies
Home remedies are the best if you want to control hair fall without causing any side effects. Some of the home remedies that you can try are:–
Yogurt and black pepper paste: Take a few ounces of yogurt and add few teaspoons of black pepper in it. Mix well, and rub this mixture into your hair. Let it stay for about 15 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo.
Green tea: As per certain studies, if you rub green tea into your scalp and let it stay for about half an hour before washing off with water, it can help arrest the problem of hair fall. Simply take a cup of hot water and brew two bags of green tea in it. Allow it to cool and then apply it to your hair.
Use the right hair products
There are many types of shampoo and conditioners available in the market but all of them are not meant for you. First, understand your scalp type and then select products accordingly. Special shampoos and conditioners for hair loss problems are also available and you can try them as well. Avoid any shampoos with too many harsh chemicals as they are very bad for your hair. They will make your hair dry, damaged, and result in split ends and hair loss.
Now that you are aware of some simple tips to keep your hair healthy, happy, and prevent hair loss, make sure you follow them carefully and you will never have to worry about a troubled mane ever again.