in siswa •  8 years ago 

pada hari yang biasa terceritalah tentang seorang anak berumur 6 tahunan, ia sedang kesulitan biaya sekolah yang semakin mencekik yang berbarengan dengan kenaikan Bahan Bakar Minyak
akhirnya sang anak menulis sepucuk surat yang berisi tentang permintaannya agar terpenuhi biaya sekolahnya, tidak banyak hanya Rp 500.000,- saja katanya.

On a typical day about a 6-year-old boy, he is in trouble with increasingly suffocating school costs that coincided with a rise in fuel oil.
Finally the child wrote a letter containing his request to be fulfilled school fees, not much only Rp 500.000, - he said.

ia pun mengalamatkannya kepada TUHAN.
pak pos yang menerima surat sang anak pun bingung, dimana alamat tuhan itu?

He also addressed it to GOD.
The post pack who received the child's letter was confused, where is the address of the god?

karena pak pos ini hanya tamatan SD ia pun mengalamatkan surat tersebut ke kantor DPR.

Because this pack is only a graduate of elementary school he also addressed the letter to the House of Representatives.

sang dewan yang sedang bergembira menerima surat dengan sukacita, sang dewan pun segera mengeluarkan dompetnya & mengisinya kembali kedalam amplop sang dewan sebanyak Rp 500.000,- dengan harapan agar bisa meringankan biaya pendidikan sang anak.
tidak berapa lama kemudian sang anak menerima amplop sang dewan, yang ternyata berisi uang dan surat ia kemarin, dengan suka cita ia menghitung uang yang diterimanya, seketika ia kembali menulis surat untuk tuhan dan segera ia memberikannya kepada pak pos.

The joyous council received the letter with joy, the council immediately took out his wallet & refilled it into the council envelope as much as Rp 250,000, - in the hope that it could ease the cost of education of the child.
Not long afterwards the boy received the envelope of the council, which turned out to contain the money and letters he had yesterday, with joy he counted the money he received, instantly he again wrote a letter to god and immediately he gave it to the pack post.

sang dewan yang merasa telah berbuat baik, merima amplop balasan dari sang anak dan ia yakin pasti sang anak memberikan ucapan terimakasih sebesar-besarnya.
sang dewan membaca dengan hati-hati surat sang anak.
isi surat sang anak:
Kepada tuhan
terimakasih ya tuhan aku telah menerima uang yang telah engkau kirimkan melalui pak pos, tetapi besok-besok jangan melalui DPR, karena pasti di potong 50%.

The councilman who felt he had done good, reciprocated the child's reply envelope and he was sure that the child would give him his greatest thanks.
The council reads carefully the letter of the child.
The contents of the child's letter:
to God
Thank god I have received the money you have sent through the pack post, but tomorrow do not go through the House, because definitely cut 50%.

well... thank you for reading...
image courtesy from google.
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