
in skibiditoilet •  last year 

Philosophy is more general, principles is more specific leading towards application. Other words: truth, ethics, morality, facts, evidence, logic. Swatting is attempted murder, police should ask you to do a video call walking around your house, garage, inside, outside, full tour and @ScottAdamsSays said AI is bad at giving facts or opinions but I wonder how Grok compares to all of that. How long/how often can you get me to return/interact/engage in my Discord Server is the brand new 2024 Oatmeal Discord Challenge and chances are you'll fail and I'll probably never ping/message people in my own Discord Server ever again assuming you can't get me to return/visit.

Laughter is falling from trolls regarding the failed Oatmeal Discord Server which failed to attract too many awesome content creators in 2023 but instead attracted weirdo children who are not even allowed and who weren't technically invited in the first place yet they're haters. Virgin is a word describing almost like an invisible line as to say what not to do when really we should be more focused not on what not to do but on living the best lives we can which should probably include marriage to one spouse and lots of children if possible.

My 2023 Discord Project failed meaning I'm stepping down from the Executive Producer gradually transitioning away from what isn't currently working, if I banned the trolls/haters or inactive users, then my Discord Server would probably go from 400+ members to like twelve or less.

Fake Oatmeal

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