How to explain the black girl from skynews that NO NARRATIVE HAS EVER HURT ANYONE IN THE WORLD?

in skynews •  7 years ago 

This is a simple statement, a fact. Stories, lies, what ever wording or expression doesn't hurt. it's that simple.

Example : usama says that he want to blow wtc 7.

what do you do? check what he is doing, actually he still didn't do ANYTHING illegal. it could be a joke, maybe he wants to buy it, who knows, he was just speaking.

But while checking you discover that he is financing, assembling, training and directing a jihadist army across the world to conquer and enslave those putrid kaffirs pig eaters and throw them away out of the holly land :).

what do you? towmahawks take off and his organization unmarked members will enter a merky world where lies and any form of affiliation will be... anyway... dark dark dark :)

Now as this girl is an identity politic warrior (at least warren and pelosi are expert conartists, her she still has to learn the ropes...). I would like to understand how words can hurt her? I mean this skill is beyond what even the most feared bioengienering lab in former soviet union dream, words that can break bones... words that can kill !!! OMG OMG OMG !!!

we want that !!! we are paging the datcha of new Colonel General Avram Pavlovich Zavenyagin, because this is warfare 2.0 !!! (from an evolutionary perspective it would have lead to the end of humans if they could do that a long ago).

But this little joke only conceal the fact of the matter, censor them, declare narrative illegal or dangerous or weaponized, and then ban the POTUS from speaking because it doesn't fit her agenda? I mean this is simple.

Then if she wants to go to type 2, THOSE FUCKERS WERE BORN IN THE UK !!!! what difference does it make? it make a very big difference, it's called background noise, or rephrazed a natural organic part to eliminate, but as such as she understand this first and natural threat! Is it necessary to add a second layer in the form of those gangs of a known origin ? I ask... And I hope that this point is clear. Adding threats isn't a smart move. Adding something dangerous underlie and addiction (cheap labor, population number competition for democratic vote, what ever, there is something).

I can take a good american example from the far west to comback to weaponize narrative :), so the white men came to town and said that a savage had raped and killed his wife and daughter. HoooRRRooooRRR finally an excuse to kill the savage tribe and steal their lands;).

Where is the violent act? please explain, is the guy who came to town to falsely accuse or the guys who acted on the false accusation?

example : I say snowden is a traitor and should be executed. Is it a violent act, a weaponized narrative, a fact or soon to be a reality? understand I am not the POTUS... then you would say the one(s) who execute the order are the violent one, I say no, you say you want to jail them (those who executed the order to kill snowden and finish this traitor, not to warn anyone, (who would betray but a traitor), but just to kill him? you will be under a virtual DoW of the POTUS but queued in the long list of the enemies of the USA (with the full might of the ENTIRE AMERICAN MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE COMPLEX, against YOU).

the problem is that those girls like this commentator (ashirashra, I can't find her or what ever her name) , have so many layers of concept to integrate... it takes times...

however those white girls HAVE BEEN HURT... not on a screen, not on words, not on advice, not what ever you want, but in REALITY, the corpses have been raped, their body, souls and spirit have been hurt, there hope, their belief, anything... shattered. Why? Because of weaponized narrative, the secret, the shadows, the not listening... the denial... call how you want. When wtcs collapse full over view reorganization , declaration of wars, invasions, full set where sent in motions...

I think you said you have children, as you seem to believe in "dangerous speech" and are against one of the most ancient cultural tradition of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (BEYOND THOSE DANGEROUS SEAS; THERE IS THE PROMISE LAND; WHERE THE MESSANIC DESTINY... blah blah :D... (it's super long :D) but in short the pursuit of individual happyness is possible, where your dreams can become true and even bigger with others (trump never build a tower alone... he would have a lot of difficulties to lift an American Building steel colon, those coated with... blah blah).

then there was the white girl, playing reserved, who said that HOW MANY PUBLIC SERVANTS HAVE BEEN JAILED FOR WHAT HAPPEN? I MEAN IT IS ULTIMATE FAILURE !!!! TOTAL COLLAPSE OF THE PUBLIC STATE. IMAGINE THAT AN EQUIVALANT SHIT, (IN FINANCIAL TERM HAD HAPPEN AT $SG or WITH THE KREMLIN MEN), my, god , clean ops on. and burn the building to the ground if necessary. so yes, thanks for her contribution. that is what is useful.

Then the muslim of pakistanis origin, 0, I mean by that, that he too contributed in asking something very specific why those group do it. Interesting once the threat as been put to rest. As it say near bagram, if you mess with bagram, expect hell and death, tappings and more... it is called the wall. the wall of violence, the one some don't need to see but all know is there.but it is a constant struggle. always. it's human nature to test. anyway to come back to his point, I am curious if some of the clients of those groups weren't members of some highly respected investor and officials from leading gcc and co countries... and at the end of the fucking day, I don't give a fuck what why where or what ever, find and kill. end of discussion, and we can drink again !

I promise you that in okinawa everyone watches, the group...

You know, it's too late for those "groups" to rescue them selves... they have nice country of origin, may the wind of prosperity reach their shores! eat you bacon ! what do you eat boudin? ooollalalala.... we have nothing else, so you will eat it. no, the dirt is radioactive and you calorie intake is too low. we need you op. so you wanna leave? You don't want to take stalinpolis with us, for the motherlands? you want betray? okay, it will make more jackets available for us. poom poom. why are you cutting him in small pieces? ahhh, will you share a piece of rat with me later? hehehe.

and to comeback to the first girl, the narrative hunter, maybe it is the demographic reality that you have a problem with? can you please setup a hourly alert distribution system about the narrative that are innapropriate... because there is a guy with a crazy theory about a certain camp in poland... very very interesting....

the problem with her, and people like her in the silicon valley, is that they believe they will always be the gatekeeper of what are the approriate narrative... while facing them is the most lethal system in the known universe, aka the DoD !

for example I could say that Dumpford is super wrong and totally stupid in one action, who cares! I am not him ! And who knows, maybe some one reading this last sentence will say that he or she lost enough time on the screen and moved to make something apprently positive that may .... welcome to the eternal tao :)

we pray God to stay on his flow and help us not fall on the temptations and sins to censor another one or decide what he should or not be allowed.

or as some natives, would say, let the wolves howl... :) (who are you to stop them, and for information this scene happened at night :D). or the bear say when the 2000+ wolves pack move near towns, move :).

and it in short, it isn't because you can't imagine supra structure, or heavy wide spread organization that your management has to be respected. you are just at the stage of identity politics to raise one against others to take and own... the problem is that it isn't spread enough, not cohesive enough and the common purpose and goal and objective. listen to america :

USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA !!! seems clear !


and the mighty one :


are you sure it's the ocean? who knows, there could be another continent, let's cross !and then they saw the chineses... and asked what is there you come from? they said china... some didn't believe and continued... and do you what they found? not africa :D.

WAKE ISLAND IS PART OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. you don't believe this narrative? please feel free... but you will feel it :).

is wake island the last place to raise the American Flag in a given day??? who knows, but I am sure there are funny stories from wake island... few know them and some are fake... who knows... some even believe that island can cap size... who knows... I was never under it to check the solidity :D. the flat earther aren't very know for the progress of their space program :D, apparently they don't care to watch from space orbiter earth... why not... it's called the pursuit of happiness. And I have never heard of one of them contradicting physics...


and challenge to her : a full show on white genocide in south africa, ala lauren, what is going on? does she has the ball to go there? me ? of course, with AFRICENTCOM :) it's a war zone , low intensity, but none the less a war zone...

I am just curious about her, does she agrees with the paki that a mosk would be great to replace buckingham palace? I mean they didn't build it, it was on the blood of slavery and they own reparation for the crimes they commited? I understand rolling wood well on the plains is a crime, but why does she want a car and co? huts? isn't it?

anyway I would have loved to visit england, the country of the red coats... but I am sadly sad to not be in the mood... and there aren't even plants... so...

and just to close imagine that tomorrow news break at cppcc beijing that in a little town somewhere in china (1.5 billions people, lots of towns and cities, lot and lot) that a proportional terrors act had happen (grooming, lol we are looking to groom the new for the inevitable day)... and go darker that the turkoids were doing that on han girls... but I can pretty confidently say that this is last is just a narrative that could be weaponized, but all would know that, frankly, in todays China... and we all remember Nanjing and others...

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