Controlled breathing... And slaves!

in slavery •  3 years ago 

Is this working there were 600 over 600 shootings in the United States last year I mentioned this note because I almost forgot you've interrupted me here sparring with some insane gangstalkers anyways regarding controlled breathing breathing I'm happy to report that controlled breathing does work and not only because controlled breathing works for everybody by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood causing you to be calmer more relaxed and in some ways sleepier anyways I controlled breathing is very effective has been not evidence in the past and but for specifically for targeted individuals not only by reducing the stress levels and and damaging effects to the body from stress controlled breathing forces the enemy and I'm not saying the specific people you encounter in public I'm saying the enemy that has got mind reading and mind writing a sanitized version of saying mind control which is actually really something simple quite simple and people are thankful the government has these Technologies but it doesn't have enough money to protect people from these Technologies in any case they also have something I refer to as the pause weapon and the pause weapon allows them to make your brain stay on the current task so like the CPU it's got a current task and the current task is control breathing but you're on your breath in and this prevents them from using the pause weapon to pause you and then do such things as and I must remind you you don't remember or form short-term memories while you're paused from experience as well as you do match faces in any case my enemy has been speaking to me in one of the many ways saying you're yelling stuff out him and his a billion synthesized friends and you know everybody he keeps relating to me his stupid information they're all what like watching this we're showing them this now they think this cuz of this blah blah blah this means that he says a lot he says this means that so if you think a thing or do a thing this means that it's a form of control and that's like a traditional form of control you know the original Money mind myth and muscle there is now certainly one related to mind and currently mind is born out of money obviously cuz it's very cheap and easy for for somebody with extra Millions to build this technology it's very very effective and mind reading for example is after 20 minutes reporting someone speaking you've got a 97% chance of matching their sub-vocal anyways that said controlled breathing is not just for everybody but it does also specifically help and not only the tragic and very very painful situation of being targeted Bike by criminals or as this happened around the world and most certainly should not happen in our free Society corrupt officials that have access in the rare case of top secret information to this technology and information right now the Canadian government is way far behind as when they catch people using this technology they don't explain how it works so especially just reading someone's mind or pausing them is very simple affected the brain that they've discovered on all animals a long time ago in scientific terms this is a long time ago we're talking decades as I mean this is like a very very long time ago and that's in public science and so you got to hope the government's usually ahead of the game when it comes to protecting people on these dangerous Technologies right now it's a situation where if a massive disaster doesn't happen people would vote in if they knew the threat they would en masse want to get rid of anybody who wants to take away this protection because this protection is inherent in free societies meaning it's against slavery without this protection you'll be a slave you're a lot of people can force you to do stuff so a group of people can force you to do something because you're a Slave and that's totally legal now there's two things called Liberty which is simply a piece of paper and a in an office this paper protects you from this for the life of the government it's a free Society and this is against the charter Rights and Freedoms slavery in every way is abolished permanently permanently this is slavery is abolished permanently it's a fundamental human right of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms this was put in by Trudeau's father it's remarkable that it was only so recently that this came into effect and that prevents the governor general from prorogan Parliament to the queen actually we were loyal to the queen up until this basically happened like we do anything she said until this happened and this gave us our independent fundamental human right do not be a Slave and this includes going to war by own free will you're also protected in many other ways in terms of Liberty by a piece of paper locked up in a building potentially not even accessible really when you're a Slave definitely not accessible when you're completely controlled as a slave so it's so very important that people report to the government these infractions and if that means calling 911 and running away from the scene so they can't come and grab you and throw you in a hospital you should do this as a victim because it needs to be shown that it's actually happening in the government needs to start protecting all people from this technology in any case they're pretending that I'm yelling stuff out well I'm paused so in order to affect of leave remove this threat I sometimes say and now they just try to provoke it I've been sitting here quietly haven't yelled anything out and that's what I yell I say I've been sitting here quietly and having yelled anything out it's quite bad but as your controlled breathing which is the point of this article controlled breathing is the point of this article I'm speaking about controlled breathing here and now this starts to sound like artificial intelligence generated this article anyways but controlled breathing is the subject of this material this media is about controlled breathing and it is effective not only tall people but specifically to targeted individuals the kind that is unknown to government as this technology is best to hide when it's being employed against people mostly doctors will think targeted individuals are probably suffering mental illness and will prescribe medication that with the radiation can get into the brain and cause dementia eventually and the key is the radiation if they are a very physical person they'll notice warming in a general location of their body it's like being in the sun but you weren't moving or doing exercise recently you hadn't smoked to Joint drank a beer or had a cigarette you know gone for a run you're just sitting there and suddenly you can feel a generalized Heating in an area it's as far as I can determine by brief look not very harmful and even 5G on our phones could be targeted against people so there are a lot of other negative effects Beyond controlled breathing that you need to know but I'm very happy to report that since I saw the article written by another targeted individual on a Facebook group I think well known for promoting controlled breathing he posted or she had posted here I can't remember he or she that it was very effective in in defending themselves he said that the people were like oh s*** he's doing it again I believe this this is probably exactly what happened because in my case controlled breathing but I eventually forgot to do control breathing and they could do it again it's still very much abusive and still very much a form of slavery because they're trying to control my behavior and it's it's very dangerous when governments give this power to the low level authorities like our top spy went and sold a bunch of probably brain scans to the Russians he recently recently like this is ridiculous yeah it's probably from BC as well that's where I have a big problem with rapist police officers serial killers and the authorities that's unfair I already knew he was from Abbotsford I'm just saying the control breathing help me temporarily and I do recommend it to all targeted individuals not only because it's effective at having them stop stopping pause at you and you'll probably hear the same thing this guy heard if they are speaking to you frequently they don't care if you you have to die these people you have to die because of the history that's in your memories so unless you get amnesia and they're probably paranoid enough to kill you afterwards they're going to hide the abuse that was done to you so in in my case they're pretending and very effectively so I must say it's hard not to think that's exactly what they're doing but they're pretending there's two or three people that look like me and they're going to replace me when we die so I'll just die a crazy person and the person that looks like me will carry on as me and one thing's for certain he won't be complaining about who is Stephanie's niece and that's a good measure to tell if it's really the person and I'm not going to believe what they show unless we have evidence cuz it wasn't investigated my friend's murder her rape my assault were not investigated in fact in that area in Penticton BC there were five police officers or so that left or moved so I presume they all left to move quit or laughed move to another jurisdiction due to the corrupt Administration in Pennington BC which has roughly 50 some odd rapist police officers I mean at worst case scenario or even I would double check the credentials of all the psychiatrists in the psych ward because the rapist as I witness in pentation BC were easily able to call the police to throw someone in there to get you know well vegetative coming back drooling instead of complaining I'm not joking I mean it's pretty bad it looks like they did this a friend there seriously in in the head and I she's not crazy I can hear the people bothering her I was also there through a murder and abduction we don't really know if they did kill her cuz we don't have her identity but they're pretending that they shot my friend in the head as she complained as she begged for her life that's what they say and so these people want you to die because in the future it may be simple to pull back your memories so in these cases they pretend to the government you're crazy and so at the doctors and the ministry of Public Safety in Canada runs all the doctors it's kind of like their boss I can't remember the name of the minister right now but it is recent it is a Mr M honorable Minister Mr M minister of Public Safety I think I could refer to him anyways it's his responsibility to make sure that the obviously obviously to the doctors the police would be taking care of that the to a doctor it's insane and really quite paranoia inducing for a sober person thinking that the government has no solution to Stephanie's niece's identity and me being the only witness I know very well why this started and so I hear very much from the person who killed my friend and to the point it's like days and days and days of abuse and if there was some 50,000 subcontractors that were informed about this technology Plus in cases potential spies or terrorists and long before Patriot Act too which means that this has been happening for for a long time and a lot of government people knew about it and legitimate cases through their job or life so a lot of the population already knows about mind reading technology I mean if you're surprised about it next time you're talking to a real nerd attack you person a computer person a software developer a programmer even a computer guy that you think might be Savvy about science they will tell you about neur al biotechnology they will tell you about neurotechnology sonogenetics and more in the past optogenetics which required by a logically engineered mice with implants or holes in their skull in any case they may know that you can easily see or hear out of another animal's eyes you can even control their limbs and fingers and stuff like that it takes a brain scan usually protected by the government accepting Canada's case and some I assume because I haven't worked on it but I assume at this point because I know artificial intelligence and machine learning so in this case learns a lot about how the brain functions and applies enhancements in this area three-dimensional biological brain and enhancements learned there about the specifically pattern recognition so where is the computer according to artificial AI and the computer itself it's simply an adding machine so AI is run also on an adding machine it adds two numbers together believe it or not by doing this with ones and zeros it's simply adding to accomplish the task of subtraction multiplication and every other more complicated mathematical model or a system you can apply it's always going to be just adding two numbers to do all this and the physical brain is actually a three-dimensional computer run on biological pieces and it doesn't simply do adding although I'm not a specialist and it wouldn't be surprised me if it was eventually reduced to adding but in essence the brain is a pattern matching CPU central processing unit so instead of adding like the CPU has some called the ALU that does adding and that's all it does it without it you can't have a computer it comes from the scientist touring who improve the physical adding machine and he created the algorithmic logic unit which does it in binary the ones and zeros and this cracks the codes was enough to crack the codes during the second World War around obviously before 1950 I mentioned 1950 because the geologists are not sure exactly what has increased humanities increasing technological advancement advancement rate the advancement rate of technology is increasing much like Moore's law in general not just applies to computer technology and specifically with more it applied to ram so Moore's Law says that brown will increase and it goes exponentially similar to how gravity increases but it's exponential causes an increase in the rate technology is advancing humans total capacity all of their brains their 3D biological pattern matching processing power which is for example equivalent to a mosquito brain which is I said something wrong there I said equivalent and I meant definitely not equivalent not equivalent to Mosquito brains but today's handheld and home computers if estimated at a couple thousand dollars on average are they are equivalent to Mosquito brains if such a reference can be estimated accurately considering that the computer brain adds numbers together using ones and zeros physical electrical electrical signals and the three dimensional biological brain instead of transistors it has neurons pattern matching facility does a pattern match faces at least it seems so from my perspective which I'm pretty sure is also the truth so I'd say you would recognize faces not only if people that you've seen before and Matt and other places even perhaps a long time ago but people that you recognize and you're not sure why so I'll be very careful to make a judgment on this one way or the other if you're a targeted individual facility anyways I can pretty much sure you can see where I'm getting at and I've got to get going so I'm going to leave it at that the speech to text probably didn't work correctly but it's working a little bit better on this essay compared to my broken s22 that apparently will cost $300 to fix I pray for my family because I'm very much worried for their lives and need support in the form of money badly to promote all of our lives and I think other victims should definitely be telling the government before their dad especially if they're experiencing localized Heating especially if the doctors are pretty sure the police have it under control you know if the doctors tell you that you're targeted by the government but you have a lawyer you know there's a lawyer and there's there's a dog like everybody knows your rights can't be violated in these free countries which have a Charter of Rights that prevents you from being assaulted by slavers as long as you stay within the borders of Canada or one of these free countries which is the majority of the world most places probably I'm not sure he'd have to talk to a specific person to know current events exactly which countries have a constitution that is similar to the United Nations Charter of Rights and Freedoms which I think almost the entire world agrees with people will point out things like well the Americans don't pay their dues to try to say that they don't they they also haven't signed it they also haven't signed this thing and you know I haven't this is country the United Nations is hosted in it's hosted in the US and I in its pursuit of this Freedom which all of it comes since the end of World War II fighting Nazis who very much disagreed with this and the fight for it has gone through the ages of course with evolution of I think that is the word slavery and this is where you have a piece of paper in a place that gives you Liberty so you're in a free country you can have this but they very much have fought over the years and this includes freedom from being attacked because of your your sex or belief so we still friends in the state where for example over like somewhat 100 years ago a woman couldn't vote so these types of things had to be given rights and then people had to start exercising them and using them and even to this day we have an inequality and pay for women and men in my industry where specifically bad because science has been something more acceptable and easier to get into as a woman but we have 10 to 30% and I think it the numbers probably closer to like 14% women in the trade of a computer technology and specifically development of software app for improving this total computing power of the planet and so in closing again another pointer to what I believe is the reason the geologist couldn't necessarily settle on but this edition of the computer adding machine and with Moore's Law and its advancing power I should that says the reason that I agree with Ray criswell's in his book The Singularity is near conclusions specifically on the advancing rate of computer technology and current computers as he points out our will in our lifetimes be a lot smarter than OK Google or hey Bixby or any of those things which don't really understand me and in our lifetimes we'll see them understanding us and being able to perhaps come up with stuff we haven't thought of or be useful in some other way and this technology it's continued advancement in the Bliss that it creates is also on the other hand made increasingly dangerous for human rights and in the case of pausing people making them yellow stuff while they're paws is especially bad and deep fake is another consequence of machine learning and artificial intelligence applied to the neurotechnology terror scene anyways I've gone on a long time here and if there are any of these gangstalkers still around they're probably going to get tripped out soon and they need to go to the hospital so so I can't post this cuz I keep losing where I'm talking and they're they're bothered by it you know it's sending them off the deep end so I hope this small presentation hasn't got you off kilter plus it's speech to text problem I was going to freak if it didn't have kilter in there anyways pray for everybody and I can't talk on the phone because they deep fake the phone call and it's really dangerous right now and I'll go to see people in person as soon as possible otherwise I need to be contacted by text messaging or email so 306-403-4343 but must remind you they can also send my text or emails but at least when they're sent by text or email it's harder for them to delete all the copies of it so somebody might notice so if you hear from me on text or email you can't be sure if especially if it's strange if I'm telling you everything's okay if I'm saying everything's fine don't worry about it I'm I was I was stoned or I was out to lunch you would never believe this over email or text and if I said anything that would hurt any of my family members you would never ever believe this and my sister appears to have been targeted before me due to her old blood type is a possibility which is the next big question past the mention of controlled breathing the most important message this article is brought today is that I've also experienced what this other targeted individual said and it does interrupt them temporarily from using the pause weapon but it's so temporary and they do complain so I'm pretty sure he heard the same thing so African girl old breathing personally I'll be looking at this further using control breathing to effectively temporarily mitigate the problem and I very much worried for my family my sister who appears to have been targeted before me wrote a letter but it no doubt was due to the hurtful contents was either not her or it was produced because of deep fake and and lies created by these very evil people who are definitely slavers and so slavery people will think is not a big deal because we all agree that slavery is gone and so we have a piece of paper that gives them Liberty to their freedoms and the most important freedom is being the United Nation Charter of Human Rights and these free countries can never get rid of that completely cuz it's still cuz it's still a piece of paper and if you can get yourself a representation you can fight for your rights in the what could be in the worst case scenario a very restrictive situation where where you're not even allowed to say for example consult the law like in jail in Canada you can't actually even read the law books in your spare time it's a rare situation and not something they allow in any of the cages for for the criminals to read while they're there in their spare time so you know for example just one of millions of examples people don't always have like as in the right to be presumed innocent until guilty it's been subverted in certain cases so if in those certain cases it was manufactured so fraud set up false evidence deep fake security footage for example then the person that was rightfully free is denied Freedom so even though those are certain rare rare cases it's that scary that you know this doesn't really follow your rights especially if it's going to impede your life I mean like being detained without your participating in an unlawful action for example and being detained for this when you did not did not doesn't sound so bad compared to being tortured in any one of the unimaginable imagining believe Millions the millions of ways that you could have this horrible violation of one's human rights to occur so torture and murder being of the most serious and in most countries depending on the heinousness of the crime multiple life sentences when even only a handful of victims I'm going to also post this to the other mediums I've been using lately Facebook is blocked my favorite new social blogging medium and that's you Hive I'm not sure if they're going to even block this article cuz I mentioning it so instead of a you instead of a while you somebody I mean anyways hive hive hive so instead of why are you it's just while you h i v e so the single letter the letter u is put before the HIV yeah that's e that's an HIV Facebook did it again I don't think Facebook likes this website it could be my Google speech to text I'm not sure but in any case I think that foremost would be the same lives of targeted individuals yet I have an opinion on cases such as tiktok and the North American or American Social blogging and social media providing companies and also another third thing in the news recently would be Twitter so everybody must know about these cases and on this matter regarding privacy and security I would have to say that people need to understand that even though sacrificing well especially it must be known that it's not even though is that we can't sacrifice our freedom and get any more at least on the very least Liberty so in cases of Maximum prosperity in our countries we have a full Liberty everything on the paper is happening with our lives so everything in this paper is synchronous with our lives so everything we have a right to we can do we don't have any legal or other barriers that are not covered and thoroughly enforced by the pieces of paper so I mean you should definitely look to the cases of the cause of targeted individuals before you care about anything else and that's simply why I had it here cuz I'm done and if I live through this I hope to work on technology live through this I don't know what I was a sketch that one I might have been pause I might have been pause I better Pace this post this now I think just cuz I was about to post it then they could have come in here and edited it in the meantime where they wouldn't even need to come here physically for in case there's anybody watching but literally my computer would just do whatever the f*** they wanted to do so I'm going to post this and unfortunately I got to listen to it before I post it to steam it so here I'm going to post it here and listen to it and then post it to s t e e m i @ m i n d r e a d i n g and for other targeted individuals have this problem I recommend using live transcribe because it can't be addicted as easily so your text snippet is pretty much without hacking specific hacking and technically complicated enough to require doing attitude but you should put review and post it as as quickly as possible usually and it's it's really extreme especially if you're using such mediums as Twitter or more importantly steam it which is a social media platform that allows you to not only earn cryptocurrency from people that upvote your post but are permanent in a blockchain Twitter I don't know if it is permanent in any blockchain however it is permanent in the sense that people download it and record it every tweet that goes on is in the database you can even purchase it or download it from other sources it's a public record so even if you delete some Twitter message it's pretty public record so I mean if you want to tweet to meet as well as either highly recommended as as well as as one of the best methods to have a real conversation that is fairly permanent and it's it's Atomic so it's either gone or it's entirely complete another computer phrase is atomic and anyways as well as controlled breathing obviously if you found this article useful for sure I put my post to try to save my life or send me cryptocurrency or meet me in person to give me cash because I really do miss my family and I want to go see them all especially one aunt that they looks like they killed one of them and then the other one is in a hospital permanently it sounds like nobody's going to see her so I don't know I'm very much afraid for her and my small family my sister especially being dead or missing is very very upsetting and scary and this psychopath is constantly promoted the fact that he had killed her and it's disgusting what they have said it's really disturbing and I need some help for all of this and in the end there's friends and family of this girl from Penticton that probably miss her so not only her but my whole family has suffered from this and there needs to be an investigation in regards to Stephanie's niece and that will no doubt lead to the people doing this to me right now or the funding for it on the dark net so for hire out types of contracts where people would do what amounts to what is seen by the targeted individuals as gang stalking mimicking organized stalking and there's a lot more obviously I don't know from a victim's standpoint that I can't investigate or do anything about but I do know about control breathing and how it is effective not only as a human being for something to use to combat certain psychological problems but also for people experiencing Technology based human rights abuses such as pausing someone and trying to convince them that they're yelling stuff out while they're pause and obviously that would affect mind reading since it would be pretty boring or almost impossible say to find somebody to watch them as they are Control building and it does seem to protect against these two problems is still a rights abuse and even though I as a human being in Canada under the Charter of Rights I have no way to convince the authorities that there's something they need to do here that is very serious and the doctors for their part in our ministry of Public Safety are confident the police of obviously it got under control and you know even thinking it's remotely possible this is true would be paranoia inducing so obviously it's okay everything's fine you're right you're the patient is ill I thankfully I've thankfully had what must be the five smartest doctors in the country I explain it to me very thoroughly so I've got five different occasions five separate events where this has been discussed at length so I know exactly how they determine who is got something more serious and it's pretty clear I don't even have to speak I just referred to the medical record if I'm interacting with the doctors so if they're intelligent and they manage to start reading it which is the majority of doctors I mean a couple of them I could I know didn't read any of it they wanted to give me a prognosis before we even looking at the history and it's like I I know it would take a few days for anybody to read it so because of the targeting my medical history is a few days read and is quite good in terms of these four doctors and then it depends I mean to get all of it would be difficult I don't bother sending all of it I send about if I if I was to be detained against my will I would send about a Lord of the Rings size copy of it it's definitely taller than Lord of the Rings it's about twice as tall and printed paper but you know this could be maybe about the size of Lord of the Rings the memory will always embellish these parts as one of the doctor's points out directly it's all of it I'm not ashamed of what happened I know what happened and the authorities cannot believe this that's ridiculous and it sounds just like all the other crazy people or or drug addicted so it's two options for them usually and it's meant the other drug addicted and they usually will want to know what medication you're on so if you tell them you're going to the hospital for sure if you happen to be on medication and even when you're not they will still like insist you must be okay you must be or something's wrong with you and recently at least in Canada in the past 5 years since 7 years since this happened to me so it's been 7 years so it's been 7 years and I noticed now if you describe what's happening to you as a targeted individual that is what's always been considered crazy is gang stalking however the term organized stalking as more recognized and even one component of gang stalking being anonymous Ops and then as well Anonymous Ops mimicking organized stalking two very very integral phrases and meaning different things to different groups but really important in the discussion of gang stalking and why please police by police police have considered it any of these problems to be mental or drugs for this long is that there is something rather hidden organized stalking related to actual targeted actual targeted individuals targeted by the government so not only as you see in the newspaper people refer to Target shootings Gang Related targeted violence or other meaningful violence so it wasn't random for one but targeted individuals are not these people and we're targeted by the government and we're talking prepaid react one going back to 911 Patriot Act 1 which gave people that were targeted by the government certain freedoms and this is years and years ago of course and patriotic too before were seniors death and I believe through his son enacted to give people their full freedoms in our country so as a Canadian or an American or whatever that when the government targets you you would get a lawyer and they would represent you even if I think at least in the earliest days before there was any protection no doubt the victims or perhaps enemies of the government and a lot of these people like terrorists that went through you know the extreme the extremist the extremizing undoing the extremism and obviously in cases of Youth we want to be very careful to give people that are suffering in this way especially from countries where it's very common place for children to be killing each other or even in our own country where it's very commonplace that they are given special protection from being prosecuted and on that note for sure going to leave it I think I'm done if I think I'm finally done I should have put this into live transcribed as as mentioned before good for targeted individuals and a reminder that controlled breathing will annoy the people on v2k if they are pausing you or want to pause you you will at the very least notice or they can't do it at all their evidence their fabricated evidence is ruined so your memory will carry proof that they so modify the transcript if there was a recording and would apparently be done by a perfect type of Technology fmri in the future and for targeted individuals that don't know why they are targeted such as in my case witnessing the assault and murder of a friend and then corruption in Pennington BC many people also just regular people like myself don't know why it started and so that's another reason why often the doctors don't even believe the victims cuz you got to be someone special for this to happen you know like I think it was the there was two I read in the paper there were royalty staying in like Surrey BC they had left Europe moved actually to Canada and like most Europeans love Canada but I think they moved down to Beverly Hills so they're not going to be bothered if they went to a doctor and they explained this was happening the doctors would would think they would not be surprised if something that serious so especially if you have a lot of money especially if you have a lot of money people are bothering anyways by say proper odds but with money you can get away from paparazzi but as a regular person most of them don't know why it's happening and Psychopaths obviously would be the majority of these problems and probably related to money nobody's come up here and touch me or talk to me if anybody came up here and touch me or talk to me while I was sitting here writing this with speech to text you should call the police and you should show me and detain them like nobody should have come up nobody in the last since I started writing this has talked to me or text me and I only say so because I'm feeling extremely washed and and rather ill actually and the v2k is pretending all of my God they can't even believe it they finally did it so the v2k saying I can't believe it it's they did it and I'm I feel dizzy and sick so I feel dizzy and sick now I'm about to leave and post this and this is going on I'm sweating like all over all of a sudden and they have in the past pretended I was ill and had anaphylactic shock and came and gave me an injection and it made me very ill I was very very sick and I could feel the effect of it immediately I thought I was going to die and I couldn't even walk or stand up so I was worried McDonald's would think I was a drug addict and I managed to get to the last staff was there as they're closing to let them know if I pass out please call 911 I'm not just too drunk and I knew I was poisoned as I was drinking my coffee and which is strange because one would jump the conclusion that McDonald's plays my coffee but I knew that if you drink something McDonald's poisoned by coffee McDonald's poison my coffee anyways if you say drink McDonald's poisoned coffee I mean like I don't think there's anything wrong with McDonald's coffee it's just my third favorite coffee right now because it's all that's accessible as a homeless person anyways if somebody were to adulterate and I was to feel that sick so immediately and I wasn't on drugs or or in any other ways inebriated I was just drinking my coffee at normal late night and about to go when I suddenly became ill and I remember looking at my coffee and my slow disjoint like slowed thinking where you're feeling like you were drunk heavily drunk or sedated or perhaps arousing from sleep or falling to sleep which was totally unusual as I was pretty awake drinking my coffee before midnight and knew that there's nothing I could have drank in the coffee that would make me that sick immediately everything no matter how bad it is take several minutes that is commonly available no doubt I'm not talking about the extreme impossible to acquire substances and so I was sure I was paused and they injected me in the McDonald's while I was in there there was no other people there and I was in Moosejaw and it did significant damage and painful damage and then long-term damage and of course the v2k the whole time was laughing even as I revive saying you should you should wait for the ambulance they got an ambulance coming you should call me go to the hospital it's pretty sickening it's pretty sickening what these Psychopaths managed to do while somebody's paused and not only can the victim be paused but presumably anybody I was a simple brain scan or possibly without I could be so influenced anyways so and so I'm feeling sick at the end of writing and then the v2k is all freaking out saying they finally did it and mildly sick I like to point out compared to this example and and finally these assholes have cleared out like these f****** people standing around talking in public they're gone like the gangstalkers I kept calling them I was talking about control breathing while they were talking the whole f****** time right they're finally gone they're finally f****** gone gone gone they finally laughed and and no doubt were complaining about me talking to you and to myself biggest writing this article and so I'm just stating for the security footage here which might actually contain which it doesn't I'm not I've lost all hope but like if there is a chance authorities are looking they should make sure no one came over and touched me there should have been no injections I don't have anaphylactic shock I don't have any allergies and I'm not mentally ill I don't have any illnesses that would require medication there's no emergency situation that would require any medication ever for any illness mental physical or otherwise and I don't have any allergies any serious allergies that would cause any state that would require medication and the pause weapon is the reason why victims may experience this because they're not going to remember any of those short-term memories formed while they're continuing doing the same action so I was mentioning that it could prevent against them pausing me and convincing me that I yelled something out and then unpause controlled breathing prevents that abuse of my psyche however you could always be interacted with while you're paused controlled breathing or otherwise and if your eyes are open if anybody cared about you they'd be watching and would notice so typically they do this when the person closes their eyes and so mine often pretend to tell me to keep my eyes open when I close them which is really annoying but if I was afraid of this happening while I was controlled breathing I would keep my eyes open so if I was being threatened specifically with this right like they can inject a lot more dangerous substances into you which would be instantly active and you could die you wouldn't even know you don't even know you'd go from sitting there you know what with your with your back to the wall holding holding a knife or whatever if you're very scared of them coming in and killing you and sunny you'll be dead you wouldn't have a chance to react so there's no sense in doing this and so being threatened with this you might be afraid of keep your eyes open at least so that if there was anybody looking they could tell who killed you anyways I got people now walking around making clicking noises so I guess they didn't totally evacuate but I'm definitely going to get going either that or it was like a regular person just calling cuz he made up this gang soccer made an appointment last week or maybe he's calling his friend to get instructions I don't know I can't tell the difference between a normal person and this problem especially when a simple click noise is all you heard especially if you're not sure what caused it v2k and other methods of causing noise and so if you go to my steam it username is mind reading and I'll vote there after I listen to this I will post it there

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